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Thorin made his way to the mountain and met Gandalf and Dwalin there.

"Where's Bilbo? Is he alright?" He worried

"We were separated, lad. I don't know where he is." Said Dwalin

"He did not come back to me.." Gandalf thought out loud.

"We must find him!"

"Thorin, no. You're a mess."

"We can deal with me later. I need to find Bilbo."

And with that Thorin set off to find his hobbit.

Thorin came back to Ravenhill and traveled along the path he said Dwalin and the others on. He called out for Bilbo but when there was no answer, he thought the worst must have happened. That moment he saw a familiar green coat, he ran over to it and saw that Bilbo was on the floor. He checked for a pulse and thankfully there was one. The hobbit was only unconscious. He picked Bilbo up despite the pain in his arm and foot and set off back to the mountain. Bilbo gained consciousness for a few minutes whilst on the way back. He questioned but then relaxed and fell back to sleep as Thorin told him they would be okay and that nothing could hurt them. Thorin arrived at the doors of the mountain when Fili and Kili were waiting. They ran to their uncle with a look of terror on their faces.

"Relax. He is only unconscious." He assured them.

He found Oin and was led to Bilbo's sleeping quarters where he was out to rest and Oin looked over Thorins injuries.

"Any longer and you would have bled to death, lad. You're lucky."

"But Bilbo could've died if I had waited."

"Well he's not dead so let me stitch you up."

Thorin couldn't take his gaze of of Bilbo and wondered what was going on in his mind. It could be dreams full of blissful days in his garden back in Hobbiton or the torment of the battle looping over and over like a broken record player. Thorin wondered what might of happened if he asked him to stay. But he did not have time for what if's. Not now. He was more focused on making sure Bilbo recovered and that he was bathed properly. A few days past but Bilbo was yet to wake up. Oin declared that his right leg was broken from the fall on Ravenhill but Thorin only wanted the best for his burglar. He made sure that his leg was properly cared for and that once Bilbo woke up, he would not be an utter mess. Or atleast more of a mess than he already was.

Thorin did not leave Bilbo's side. The company had to bring him food and water from the kitchens which Bofur so kindly took over. There was a sofa in the room where Thorin rested. He took wlaks around the mountain every now and then as to not become weak. His legs had to be moved otherwise they would ache to the point where Thorin may not want to move because of the pain.

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