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I fell silent, then, playing with the fabric of my tee shirt. "What about him?" I ask quietly, lowering my eyes to the ground. Christian Barnes, my father. The one who beat me, who shot my entire pack and then himself. What does this stranger want with him?

"He's our old Alpha's husband." My head snaps up, eyes widening. My mother? This is my mother's pack? "We thought you would know him..You look so much like her, you could be her daughter."

 I laugh dryly at how exact he is, meeting his eyes. "I am."

He does a half double-take, not expecting my words. "You know where she is, then?" He asks hopefully.

Frowning, I shake my head sadly. "Dead. Your Riley killed her." He stifles a gasp, biting his lip. 

"I'm so sorry. That must've been hard." His voice is soft, making my heart flutter- I mean, what? I shouldn't be letting my feelings do somersaults for my kidnapper..How insane am I? "Riley was killed. By your Mason."

Tears fill my eyes. Mason. He died in my arms, bleeding out from a gunshot to the chest. I loved him, more than anyone else. We could've been mates, if I had let him touch me. "I know," I say softly, voice cracking.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly, trying to touch my hand. I shake my head, curling my legs up and my hands forming fists unconciously.

"He killed him. He killed them all." I mutter angrily, trying to stand but falling back from the chains. "Unlatch these from me!" I tell him, voice louder. I'm going to find him, my dead father, and burn his useless, evil body.

Xavier shakes his head, and I fall to the ground with weakness. Tears spring out, dampening my cheeks. "Was he your mate?" He questions, giving me a pillow. I put it under my butt, shrugging.

"I don't know," I tell him honestly.

"How?" He looks confused. "When you hug your ma-"

I save him the trouble of finishing the sentence, cutting him off. "Nobody touches me." I tell him stiffly.

He raises an eyebrow, sitting indian style on the ground. "And why is that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I snap, leaning my head back on the wall and closing my eyes to dull out the pain aching my entire body. I try not to think of Mason, and of Fae and Dawson. Or of Cora, the girl I met briefly before being shot in front of me. I was too distracted by Mason to help her like I should've. She could be alive today, if I hadn't been so oblivious.

This is all my fault. I'm so selfish. She could be alive. The whole pack could be alive, if I hadn't run off after he beat me. If I stayed home and dealed with his attack, they could all be alive and healthy. Instead, I'll never see any one of them again. Why didn't he just kill me? Why did he have to kill the only family I had left?

"Do you want some medicine?" Xavier's voice brings me from my thoughts. I nod, not opening my eyes and hear him stand. Listening as he walks out, I open my eyes quickly and look down at the shackles binding me to the wall. There's a bobby pin in my hair from yesterday, which I pull out, straightening it with my teeth and sticking it inside of the ankle shackle.

It's easy enough to get the first one unlocked, seeming as I spent many nights picking locks to sneak in places when I was younger. The second, though, seems more complicated. I hear his footsteps start up the top of the spiral staircase, and move faster. It comes unbound just as he closes the door, giving me a chance to stand and leave.

Or, in my case, try. My legs are weak, making it almost impossible for me to walk. I limp forwards, leaning on the wall for support. "Do you prefer asprin or-" He stops, and I see him come into view just as try and turn into another room. "Sit down." His voice gets tougher, more strict, like an Alpha would speak. "Sit down, before I force you." He's eerily calm about this. I slide down to the floor, my butt freezing from the tile floor.

"Nice escape tactic, Ellie. There isn't another way out than up, which you are way too weak to go. You're stuck here." He tells me, crouching down. "Now, open your mouth." My eyes widen, and I shake my head. What is he going to do to me? He rolls his stunning blue eyes, sighing. "I'm not going to hurt you." He holds up a bag of pills, and I relax a bit, opening my mouth. 

"I'm completely capable of putting in my own p-" He tosses one into my mouth, chuckling. I choke on one, glaring at him when it finally goes down. "Asshole."

His eyes narrow, and he stands straight. "I'm trying to help you here."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, cause kidnapping me is such a great help."

"We didn't know!" He exclaims.

"You should've thought better on who to send gallivanting into the woods for my father!" I say, gaining volume.

"They're the most highly trusted wolves here." He growls, and I can really see the anger on his face now. 

"They're a bunch of assholes, that's what they are. You, too."

"You can't just fucking say what you want around here! This isn't your pack!" He bellows.

I stand to my feet, ignoring the pain and lightheaded feeling I get. "No, it's the one that killed my goddamn mother! You're all a bunch of dicks!" I scream. "I hate you, and I hate everyone here! This is all you guys's fault! You shouldn't have let her go with him!"

The anger fades from his face somewhat, but it's not gone completely. He turns away abruptly, walking back up the stairs. I hear him open the door, talking to whoever guards the door. "I have better things to do than deal with a immature rogue," He grumbles. "You take care of her."

There's a low response, and the door closes. As my new interrogator walks in, I can't stifle the groan that escapes my lips.



Xavier's P.O.V

 As I walk away, I can't help but pity her. She has nobody left, this girl. Her mother, our former Alpha, was murdered, her pack killed, and her father suicidal. It's no wonder she doesn't touch anyone- She probably feels if she did, they'd die too.

It still doesn't give her the right to insult my pack, though.

"Xavier!" My best friend, Damon, calls out. He's the beta of the pack, my sort-of-assistant. Although he's great, he can get annoying after a while. "How was the search?" He asks, flipping some of his brown hair.

I sigh, focusing my eyes on the ground. "They brought home a girl. It wasn't Maria, and it wasn't Christian." 

"Who was it?"

"Their daughter. Ellie." He looks up at me, being a few inches shorter than 6'3. 

"Can I meet her?" He pleads. "I love little kids."

"She isn't little." I tell him, remembering how she fought me. "Probably 17, actually."

"Does she have the tattoo?" He asks. I nod. "She's gotta be eighteen, then." 

"Wanna bet?" I ask, lightening the heavy burden i've been feeling lately.

"How much?" He grins.

"Twenty bucks." He nods, and we walk into the cafeteria. They all fall silent, expecting a speech from me about the search. I stand atop one of the chairs, balancing myself. 

"Did you find her?" One person calls out anxiously, and before her voice fades, everyone is talking over each other to me.

I wave my hands in the air, trying to get them all to stop. "Guys!" I yell. They abruptly stop, mouths closing. "We didn't find Christian, but we found some upsetting news." I pause, trying to lighten this for them. What's the easiest way to tell them that their former Alpha has been killed? "It's about Maria. She was murde-"

"MARIA!" Someone screams. I turn to see Justin, Maria's best friend, running towards a girl standing in the doorway, who looks a hell of a lot like Maria, only in my tee shirt, blood running down her arm.


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