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They reach at me, their paper white skin pulled over their bones. I pull a shirt over my damp frame, trembling and cornering myself in the back of the bathroom. It seems like I’m too terrified to speak- too afraid to breathe, to move, to call for help. The Shadows moan quietly, gripping my ankles and arms. I grab the first thing I see, holding it out in front of me.

This situation is all too familiar. It brings back the memory of using the the shampoo bottle to protect me, making sure it was in front of my body as my father beat me. It was a warning, then. I could never hurt him, my father. But maybe if I did, Mason and Dawson would still be alive. The entire pack would be around for me to be with, instead of locked in a bathroom all alone as the shadows attacked me.

A gasp escapes my lips, finally. I throw the soap at one of the Shadows coming closer to me slowly. It’s larger than the rest, it’s colorless eyes staring into me hatefully. The chill of it’s cold essence causes me to shiver as I release the white bar of soap, watching it fly through its head. It bangs against the mirror, causing it to shatter.

The mirror’s glass flies everywhere,  little shards piercing my skin and penetrating the Shadows’. A white ooze flows slowly out of their green-grey decomposing skin, causing them to cry out in a sound of agony that makes me want to scream. Instead, I stand shakily to my feet,  running past them and into the house. Fae is in the doorway, eyes wide as she holds a glass of water in her hands. I take it from her, looking behind me and seeing the Shadows limping after me with their low cries. Throwing it at the wall, it blows up into small shards of glass, hurting them even farther.

I feel no regret as I pull on the first pair of shorts I see, not wanting to be half naked as I run, and grab Fae’s hand. She doesn’t protest, letting me drag her outside and through the wooded path. There’s tears streaming down my face, dampening my cheeks. Can’t they leave me alone for one minute?

I can sense their presence behind me, lumbering after me and trying to kill me. We break into the field, my heart racing wildly out of my chest. People sitting in the grass stare at us as we run, but I could care less right now. Xavier will send them away- I know it. He’s the only one who could, and still can.

He’s standing in the front of the house, talking to someone on his cell and running a hand through his black hair. As soon as I see him, I freeze in place. The Shadows are still coming, but they’re slowing down. His eyes glance up at me for a split second, widening slightly as he mutters something to the person on the other line and hangs up.

His arms circle me, making me cringe. I feel like I’m  bleeding, but why? I don’t remember being cut, unless the glass had got me instead of the Shadows. Ignoring it, I relax slightly, crying silently into his sweatshirt and wrapping my arms around his neck. He rubs circles into my back, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

After a few minutes, I’m calm enough to pull away and wipe my tears.  Fae embraces me, her thin arms enveloping me to her. I can’t help but tear up again, thinking, why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? She runs a finger down my cheek, pulling out a shard of glass. I wince, looking at the bloody mess of my hands. Shredded, translucent glass has dug into my arms, legs and hands, some even on my stomach. It irritates my skin when I move, but I can't just sit down and pretend like everything's alright.

"Are you okay?" His voice is quiet. I nod, lying and averting my eyes to the ground so he can't see the truth. I'm terrified, exhausted, angry- Anything but okay.

Dustin jogs over to us, his dreads in a long ponytail that swings behind him. He glances at me worriedly, looking to Fae. "What happened?"

She sighs inaudibly, staying at my side. "The Shadows came back." She tells him. His eyes widen slightly, and he draws in a shaky breath.

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