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Hey guise C: So my friend, Calla98, is writing a story. I want to promote it because it deserves a few more reads, and I have a pretty decent flow of my lovelies on this story more than any other story, so here's the description! I'll put the link on the side if you wanna check it out (Which I really hope you do!) And don't forget to vote-comment, because Ellie's dying *sob*

One Pink Rose

Julie was one of the boys, going to parties and challenging them in wrestling. That all changes, however, when a boy hurts her- putting her in a heart-wrenching coma. When she wakes, she's faced with the decision between Tony, the boy who's sent her flowers every passing day while in her coma, or Jake, the handsome rebel who put her into it- So who will she choose?

I promise, my crappy description is nothing compared to the real story!

Coughing woke me for the fourth time tonight, making me sit up and stare blankly into the darkness. As usual, there was blood on my hands, dried from coughing earlier into the night. With a grimace, I wiped my hands on the oversized tee shirt, letting out a sneeze that just protruded more blood coming out of my system. 

Xavier stirred next to me, eyes fluttering open. They lit up the dark with their blue glow, making me smile despite the pain I was feeling. "Hi," I whispered lowly, making sure as not to cough any longer. He yawned, running a hand through his dark hair and adjusting himself so he could see me better. "Go back to sleep- it's still early." 

He shook his head, forcing himself to keep his eyes open and raising his eyebrows. I felt him shift under the blanket  and his warm leg pressed against mine. "Are you okay?" He asked groggily.

I nodded, although my insides felt like I was bursting apart. "I'm still alive," I smiled weakly, not being able to help myself- I kissed his cheek. 

"Not funny," He grumbled, pressing me closer to him. I rolled my eyes, fisting my hands in his tee shirt and laying my head on his chest.

"I'll be fine, Xavier." I breathed in his scent, still nice although lightened from sleep. Is it creepy that his minty smell makes me twice as attracted to him?

He sighed, letting out a nod and tightening the free arm that was around my back, tapping a light beat on my hip. "We should probably get up soon," He said quietly, as sunlight started to break through the large glass window and brightened up the room.

I groaned softly, shaking my head and curling my legs up to my chest. "You can't make me." I said determinedly, like a little kid not getting his way. "It's not your choice."

"Actually.." He started, but I cut him off with a kiss. He smiled through it, as we hadn't really kissed on the lips in a while, but pulled away soon after. "You taste like blood."

I grimaced again, sticking my tongue out and nodding. "I know." I muttered, rolling out of bed and forcing my legs to get over their jelly-like feel and support my weight. I stumbled, but managed to get into the bathroom and step into the shower.

My knees were weak, body aching, but I forced myself to roll my shoulder muscles, stretching out my legs and cracking my neck. Although everything was still throbbing, by the time I was finished and the heat from the shower steam and water soothing me and relaxing the muscles that were cramped only moments early.

When I had gotten dressed in a gray knit sweater that reached almost to my knees that I had taken from Fae and navy blue leggings rolled up to my calves, I put on a pair of mismatched socks and ran a hand through my hair lazily before deciding to just pull it into a ponytail. Walking out of the bathroom after popping four asprin into my mouth and through my system, I headed straight for the kitchen.

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