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Hey. On Wednesday or Thursday in my town, a fourteen year old girl named Katie committed suicide. On Friday night, two girls (one thirteen and one fifteen) were leaving the carnival and were run over by two different cars speeding towards them. The 13 year old was rushed to the town hospital where her foot was shattered, but the 15 year old, Sophia, suffered serious head injuries. She was flown by helicopter to UMass Hospital, where she later died.

Keep Sophia and Katie in your thoughts and prayers (if you're into that). Thanks.

On a happier note, i'm promoting a story! It's called Devil's Bite by Emishion5 and i'll post the link on the side. 


Michelle is a vampire... Who fell in love with a human! She thinks he likes her, too! But what will the other vampires say?

And the first chapter of Contagium is out! Go read it >-



(Ellie's POV)

I wrapped the sweater tighter around my shivering body, looking around. "The cabin is at least 5 hours away from here, if we drive." I told Xavier, looking at the road map in my hands. It was raining today in Boston, the icy pellets stabbing me through the sweater I wore. Xavier was calculating the distance in his head, but he seriously isn't good at math.

At least he was cute.

"Xavier," I said with a smile to get his attention. "Six hours," I repeated.

He nodded, eyebrows furrowing together with confusion. "How?" He asked.

I pointed to the key in the corner of the road map. "One inch equals 100 miles, which is about an hour and a half by car.  We'll be travelling almost four hundred, so multiply an hour and a half by four." I laughed when he stood with a blank expression, lips pressed tightly together as he tried to do the mental math. "It'll be a six hour drive, Xav. Not including tolls."

"We can do that." He told me. 

I rose a brow, pulling some of my pitch-white hair into a ponytail. "There's one important detail missing. We need a car."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. Although we'd been together for almost two months now, I still got butterflies whenever his lips touched my skin. I was proud to be mated with him, although I clearly didn't deserve him. Whatever twisted fate I had been wrapped up in, at least it had led me to him. That I was thankful for. "We'll rent one," He said nonchalantly, as if it was that easy.

The plan was foolproof. We'd drive up to Acadia, Maine, where my family's old cabin was. Once there, we'd find my father, and talk him into giving me the secret to immortality. It seemed so simple, so insane I was overthinking everything. "What if he's not there?" I asked quietly.

 "He will be," Xavier assured. 

I nodded, but his assurance meant nothing for the heavy cloud of doubt that had settled itself over my head like a large, looming shadow. We walked around the city block, getting soaked in the process, but none of us really cared. The streets were almost empty because of the rain, but the few who were out had umbrellas or were using textbooks as shields from the rain. 


I looked up from where I was staring at my soaked vans. Cassie, hidden under a bright yellow umbrella, jogged over to us, dragging a lanky boy in tow. She was dressed in a white sundress, which was odd, since it was getting colder out by the days, and carried a pair of stilletos in her right hand. Her thin-rimmed glasses were gone, eyeshadow slathered over her pale eyelids. Blue eyes wide with excitement, she gave me a half hug. "Hey, Cassie."

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