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Hey... Another late update... Sorry, but not really xD. I got goldfish! Whoo! Five of them- Matilda, Wendy, Peter, Charlie, and Prosper. They make my life complete. Annywhorre, there isn't gonna be a story promotion today cause my phone is broken and I usually find stories off of that ;) If you want a promo, though, message me! I'd be happy to.

I realized I, have, a, issue, with, commas. If, you, hate, it, quit, reading, but i'll try and tone it down.

xxxx, vote if you wish that there was a place where it was always cloudy and warm and dubstep was considered heavenly ^-^


(Ellie's POV)

We spent the rest of the day at Charlie's apartment, watching old movies and pigging out on popcorn. At one point, though, we had fallen asleep on the couch, probably from exhaustion. I hadn't been sleeping much since the last time I shifted, and neither had he. We're all worried about my health, but he's been taking it to the point of obsession. There hasn't been a moment where he hasn't been at my side, asking how i'm feeling. And honestly? I'd rather be treated normally. 

Most girls would kill for Xavier's undivided attention. But i've had so much of it, it's actually irritating me. To see him sleeping next to me, though, without a hint of worry on his face- it was nice, comfortable and made him look so carefree. I couldn't help but watch him in the shadows of the night, his expression never changing.

Maybe one day we'll have that forever.

"Stop staring at me," He muttered, arm tightening around my waist. "It's creepy."

I blushed in the darkness, glad he couldn't see me. "Go back to sleep," I murmured.

He shook his head, eyes opening slightly so his blue orbs were small slits in the dark. "You okay?"

I decided to tell the truth. "I just have a little headache." I said quietly. "I'm fine, though. Promise." I assured him when his eyes opened wider. 

"Do you want medicine?" He asked softly. 

"No, I'll be okay." I snuggled into his chest, tightening my arms around him to reassure him of my health. He let out a soft sigh, relaxing into the bed.

"We have to find your dad," He said after a moment, voice serious.

I sat up, clutching a pillow to my chest and wrapping my arms around it. He did the same, running a hand through his hair and turning on one of the dim lamps. "Isn't there another way?" I asked desperately.

To see my father- the man who raped me, who abused me, who left me unable to let anyone in. How could I see him again? How could I even speak to him without falling apart? Xavier doesn't understand- he doesn't know what he did to me, just that he abused me every once in a while. If he knew the full extent of it. . .

"He's the only one we know that had both Infinite and Were blood.  It hasn't been heard of before other than with him." He explained, looking down at my slightly trembling hands. "It'll be okay, Ellie. I promise."

"You don't understand," I whispered, looking away from him. "I can't."

 "Why?" His voice was soft.

I played with my hands, looking at the comforter below me and not meeting his questioning gaze. Everything will be different if I tell him. He'll treat me different, like I'm made of glass. I don't like being pitied, especially from the one I love. It frightened me to think that i'd be treated differently again. When Mason found out he was raping me occasionally, he was afraid to tease me for almost a month until I started making dirty jokes again.

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