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"Just take me back, please." I plead, tears running down my face uncontrollably. He pulls me in for a hug, squeezing me to him. I shrug out of his grasp, still angry at him.

"I'm sorry," He calls out. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Following behind me, he sighs as we walk back to the guest house.

"A lot of people are sorry," I mumble. "It doesn't mean I care."


 "So, how was being Alpha?" Xavier asks as we walk. I can tell he's itching to turn, being in the woods and all, but I can't because of my injuries. It's sweet how he won't turn without me, but honestly, why should he care? I'm just a captive to him..

The Alpha captive.

"I was only Alpha for a day." I mutter, kicking a pine cone with the toe of my boot. My heart is racing, due to the realization i'm nearing the place I grew up in, the place where everyone died. Are the bodies still there? Did the police clean them up?

"..Why?" He sounds confused, but I don't glance at his face to make sure. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the boy next to me at the moment. He doesn't really care about me, just faking it so I won't turn down the offer of shared Alpha. I bet the moment I accept publicly, he's going to turn into some heartless bastard. 

That's what my father told me, anyways. I can still hear his voice, ringing in my head the first time he hit me. "I'll be the only one you touch." He sneered. "Anyone else will betray you, use you for that body and turn on you. Touch anyone but me, and i'll kill them."

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I turn to him for a split second. "They just promoted me."

His face turns white as a sheet. "So they're all going to come after Cirrus?" He breathes nervously.

Tears blur my vision. I wish. "No..They're all dead, Xavier.I thought you knew."

"What happened?" I shake my head, cupping my elbow with my right hand. He seems to understand how choked up I'm getting, looping his arm through mine as we walk through the underbrush of the woods and trudge through to Lexus's pack house. By now, i'm shaking  so hard it's hard to walk, but by the time we get to the end of the woods, I break free of his grasp and run into the field.

The bodies are gone. Blood still splatters the walls of the pack house, a large red stain on the deck where I held Mason until he died in my arms. It's eerily silent, every other trace of the murders gone. My eyes water even farther as I see the door ajar, maybe from Mason and I when we went outside for our walk and left the door open, as usual.

"Ellie, where are you going?" Xavier calls out, jogging up behind me and touching the small of my back. I don't answer, wiping my eyes hastily and peeking my head in the doorway. "Do you think it's safe?" He asks quietly.

I nod, stepping through the threshold and looking around. The area is untouched, a first aid kit still on the table from when Fae had cleaned up my wounds from the last beating. It almost seems normal, like i'm sneaking in as I always did. The walls, a light, whitewashed color, are decorated with the same pictures of the pack and the members on special occasions.

My hands shake as I reach up, pulling a photo off of the wall and running my thumb over it. There, in the hazy picture, is Mason, Fae, my mother, father and I, at the beach last year. I'm sitting on Mason's lap, rolling my eyes and grinning at his embarrassed face. My mother and father sit next to us, arms around each other happily, and Fae is laying on the ground, sticking her tongue out at the camera. 

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