One on One

82 2 1

Akko had taken up on Diana's offer to study. It was a quiet evening with just the two of them, since Diana's roommates were out to their own hobbies. Diana was reading an alchemy textbook until Akko got distracted.

"Diana look at this!", Akko pointed to the limited edition Shiny Chariot game. 

"Hm," Diana brushed it off. 

"I remember wanting this as a kid really bad, but my parents weren't able to get one. The store recently just got one," exclaimed Akko. For years, Akko would be on the lookout for this game. There were a few instances where it was available, but it was either too expensive or already bought out. With the money Akko saved from her allowance this month, she was hoping to get a somewhat of a good bid. 

"$100 starting bid for a kid's game? It sounds like a wasteful purchase," Diana continued to read.

"It was a limited edition game. It's not going to be cheap," defended Akko.

"What's the even the point of the game?", scoffed Diana. 

"It's basically like an RPG as Shiny Chariot. You explore the city of Asturox to fight beasts, learn spells, and find artifacts from the card games! Diana, tell me you've played a video game," Akko went into in depth detail about the game.

"My childhood was dedicated to honing my skills and knowledge. I didn't particularly take to video games," replied Diana as she closed her book. 

"NO WAY!", Akko shouted in shock. "Video games were my whole childhood. There was Mario Kart, Smash, COD, Zelda, Kirby, and GTA," she listed off on her hands. 

"I have no idea what any of those are," stated Diana blankly. 

"Well, uh they're all on Nintendo 2ds or Xbox 360. Those were the two consoles I had as a kid. Come to think of it, I haven't played those games in awhile," Akko began looking out the vibrant orange sunset. When she'd get her video game magazines in the mail, it would be bittersweet excitement. It was longing for childhood nostalgia. Modern technology was forbidden at Luna Nova. The last thing Akko needed was to get in trouble for smuggling in illegal stuff. She couldn't immediately run off to the store and buy the latest edition of a new game. Yet, it also reminded her of home. Even with her new life as a witch, she was still the same old Atsuko Kagari. She achieved her dream of becoming a witch, but not a carbon copy of Shiny Chariot; she was Akko. "Diana, do you ever feel a homesick or you just miss something really bad?", she remembered her home. As much as she loved Luna Nova, all of her friends, and the adventures, Akko longed to return home every now and then. 

"Well, you've met my Aunt Darrell, so no- not really," Diana pondered at the questioned. She noticed Akko's longing expression. Diana grabbed her hand. "I suppose we all have our moments in a state of wistful solitude, but I always know those memories are there," she added. 

Akko was in disbelief. Did Diana make a move? Or was she overthinking and overanalyzing? That's what friends do, right? Her body tensed up. She accidentally pulled away in shock. Diana became embarrassed after Akko pulled her hand away, so she began to change the subject. "Hmmmm," Akko began to contemplate. "Well, there's just SO many that I loved as a kid that I don't think I could choose just one," she replied. 

"W-w-which one do you think I would like the most?", Diana looked away.

"Probably Animal Crossing," replied Akko. "It's moving into a new island with animals and maintaining the city by paying debts, collecting bugs or fish, and interior designing," she added. 

"Ummm... would you be willing to teach me how to play one day?", Diana nervously asked. Diana thought to herself. "It just a video game hangout. Why are you so nervous? You aren't asking her out or anything".

"Yeah totally! I'll take you take you one day!" Akko immediately accepted Diana's offer without hesitation. 

"That's if you pass your classes," replied Diana, returning to her normal composure.

"You know what would a good motivator. If you-", Akko snarked as she pointed to the Shiny Chariot game. 

"No," Diana immediately shut down Akko's antics. 

Despite her initial 'standoffish' demeanor towards Akko, she enjoys spending time with Akko. For the first time in her life, Diana felt comfortable to talk about her 'nerdy' interests with someone. She felt a tender fondness towards Akko that was growing. However, she never 'liked' anyone. Relationships were taboo to Diana Cavendish. As girls were fawning over Andrew Hanbridge, Diana was studying or practicing magic. She didn't understand the infatuation over him. In fact, she didn't really understand infatuation or crushes in general. Diana's friends and family would introduce her to many handsome potential partners, but she always turned them down. Her feelings for Akko were blooming, but she didn't know to act on it- or if she should do anything. 

Since this is more a 'filler' to my other works, I would like to add some simple, funny, ship head cannons.

Akko is surprisingly good at first person shooter games. 

Akko would be the miner that searches for diamonds, but is scared to fight off mobs. Diana would fight. 

Akko is bad at money management. 

The ship dynamic is "academic star and klutz" in the show, but I think it would have a cute spin if it were also "person A fell first, but person B fell harder". Person A being Akko and person B being Diana. 

Diana is extremely jealous, but maintains her composure. 

Akko is usually completely oblivious when strangers, and sometimes Diana, are hitting on her. 

Diana isn't as oblivious, but she tends to overlook Akko's flirtatious attempts as just her usual shenanigans. 

Diana cannot flirt. 

Akko always wanted to ride a dragon- without dying. 

Akko drives. Diana is the passenger princess. She makes fun of Diana's driving skills, but Diana reminds her that she can't ride a broom that well either. 

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