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Akko knocked on Constanze's door. She was greeted by Amanda. 

"Oh, hey Akko!", she said. 

"Hey, Amanda. Is Constanze here?", Akko peered through the door. 

"Oh, yeah. She is. Everything's ready now," Amanda let Akko in the door. 

Constanze rose from elevator door to present the love tester machine. It was vintage and old. Unlike normal arcade ones, this machine ran off of magic. When powered, it displayed a little cupid baby displaying a number. Above Cupid's head was a space left for a message. The face had posable expressions with the eyebrows and mouth being on a rotating hinge of some sort.

"Wow, does it work?", Akko investigated. 

"Yep! Watch this!", Amanda and Constanze put their hands on the palm scanner. 

The numbers began to spin like a slot machine until it showed the numbers '020'%. "Better off as friends" the message read with the Cupid's face turning into a frown.

"Woah, so cool!", Akko exclaimed. 

"Yeah, the messages are like "Better off as friends", "Not in the stars", "Potential", "Total Lovers" and I forgot the rest...", Amanda counted on her fingers. 

"Thank you so much, Constanze!", Akko hugged Constanze, picking her up off the ground. Constanze accepted Akko's affection as she remained unable to move from her grasp. 

"Now, go use it on Diana or whatever," Amanda snickered. 

"WAIT! How do you know-", Akko was cut off. 

"We know", she replied. Jasminka nodded as she ate a bag of chips. Akko turned to Constanze in shock. Constanze snickered as she nodded. They all knew. 

"Your big puppy eyes totally gave it away. We all know what you're up to," Amanda stated. 

"Well, thanks again," Akko awkwardly left the dorm room. Could it have been that obvious?


Future new LWA AU coming out soon. I got the cover art done for it. I might post some concept art of the characters. Currently working on a good Akko one, but it's pretty bad lmao. Not sure what to title the piece yet besides, "LWA University AU" or something along those lines. 

I just found out that the theory of Jasminka hosting a demon that constantly needs to be fed is cannon. On her wiki, she ate a hunger faery that makes her eat a lot and has immense strength. With that being said, it's totally not fair she got in trouble for eating in class.

Amanda be schemin' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2024 ⏰

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