Night Studying

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"Evaluate the extent of the... witch's hunt... in seven sixty...", Akko trailed off.

 Her head fall into the book she was reading. She was dedicated to study. She had the motivation of getting that new game and needing to attend the blue moon ball. Being motivated was easy, but putting into action was the hard part. She could barely keep her eyes open during to long monotonous lectures. Her friends would have to slap her awake. Sucy would also resort to using Akko as a guinea pig when she was asleep. 

"Y'know, Akko. You've been studying really hard for the past few days. You should probably go to sleep. It's better to wake up with a fresh mind," Lotte said as she took turned off the desk lamp.

"I think she's out cold," Sucy poked Akko repeatedly.

Akko's head was face first into the book. Lotte reached for the book to help Akko sleep. She lifted Akko's face gently from the book onto the pillow. Akko's face was full of ink marks from being face planted into the book. Sucy took notice to make a remark. 

"You know, I would say something snarky comeback, but Akko is doing surprisingly well," Sucy returned to her conception of potions. 

"Yeah, I can't believe it either," Lotte carefully closed the book.

"Do you think she'll even notice Diana's little hidden message? She's studying so hard that she might overlook it", a slight bubbling appeared from Sucy's concoction. 

"Hehe, I suppose she will find out eventually", chuckled Lotte. 

Shortly thereafter, both Sucy and Lotte went to sleep. 

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