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A harsh alarm went off in the early hours of the morning. Sluggishly, Akko reached for the alarm. 

"Must get study more study...", Akko rambled off. 

"Morning, Akko," Lotte was watering her succulent plants. 

"Good morn...ing, Looootte...", Akko's voiced dragged on.

"Well, hopefully you'll wake up for the test today. I heard it's going to be real hard," Sucy giggled.

Akko didn't want to think about failing the test this early in the morning. "Well, I studied for hours last night. I'm totally prepared!", she countered.

"Probably from daydreaming about Diana," Sucy whispered to Lotte. Lotte knew it would be wrong to laugh, since she knew Akko was truly putting forth a great amount of effort towards studying, but she let out a light chuckle. 

"What did you say, Sucy?", Akko shouted. "You know what! That test will be so easy since I've been studying so much!", Akko proclaimed as she got ready for school. 

Sucy was partially right and Akko knew that. Akko was daydreaming about Diana during their sessions together. However, Akko was determined to go get that Shiny Chariot game. If she were to pass the test, she would be allowed to go out that weekend and get to go to the school dance. 

Akko walked into the test room with looming confidence until she saw Diana. Her face immediately turned red, but wanted to return Diana's journal. 

"Uh... thank you for lending me your notes, Diana," Akko muttered out as she handed away the ournal.

"It's no problem. I know you really needed them," Diana answered. 

"Yeah, thank you so much!", Akko replied as she awkwardly walked away. 

Diana checked the journal. She was worried that Akko would accidentally stumble upon the heart she wrote in the back of her journal. As she flipped through the pages, she stumbled upon the drawing of Shiny Chariot from the game Akko mentioned during their study sessions. Diana's usually serious demeanor was broken by the affectionate drawing. She continued to flip back to the journal. A sigh of relief came over her. "It doesn't look like she saw it", Diana thought to herself. Her eyes gazed upon Akko's direction, but accidentally locked eyes with Lotte and Sucy. 

"Do you think she realized that she left that little heart in her journal?", Sucy whispered to Lotte.

"I think so," Lotte replied. 

Lotte and Sucy knew. Diana now knew they found the heart. She quickly darted her eyes away from their acknowledging glances. 

"I think she knows we know," Lotte whispered as Sucy began maniacally chuckling. 


Sucy was right. That test was difficult. Akko's confidence immediately dropped. She was daydreaming during her and Diana's study session. That makes Sucy right again. However, Akko began using that to her advantage. 

"It was in 1692 that the Salem witch trials took place that created an accusatory stigma of witches being evil...", Akko began recalling every conversation during their study sessions. 

She remembered how Diana would always have an easy gaze. Diana looked at Akko as if she a cherished memento materialized in a human form. Akko loved when Diana would have that gaze. "I wish she always looked at me like that," Akko's thoughts trailed off from the test. Her eyes wandered towards Diana. "She's just so elegant and graceful in everything she does," she continued to daydream. However, the teacher loomed over. 

"MISS KAGARI! Eyes on your test!",  the teacher slammed a yardstick on the table. Silenced chuckles fluttered around the room. 

"Yes ma'am!", Akko replied, embarrassed in her distracted state. 

"Wait, why would she have a yardstick? She's a history teacher- not a math or science teacher," Akko thought to herself. 

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