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It was an early Saturday morning. Akko couldn't believe that she agreed to help prepare for the ball. However, she wouldn't say no to Diana either way. 

"I can't believe that I agreed to this!", Akko exclaimed. "I was totally planning on bidding on that Shiny Chariot game this weekend! Will it even be there after getting stuff for the dance?", she continued to ask aloud. 

"I mean, Shiny Chariot is a pretty niche topic. She isn't very popular now, so there probably won't be many people that bid on it," Lotte tried to remedy Akko's distress. 

"The starting bid is $300? For someone like Shiny Chariot, it's totally not worth the price," Sucy chuckled. 

"Hey, the set up will totally be fun! I think you'd have a fun time," Lotte added.

Sucy glanced at Lotte. They were both thinking the same thing. "Akko gets to spend some time with Diana". 

"I guess it won't be too bad...", Akko mumbled as she headed out the door. 

Akko headed to the courtyard drowsily. "I could've totally gotten a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself. There were approaching footsteps but Akko barely noticed in her drowsy state. A hand reached for her shoulder. Before Akko even took a glance, she knew it was Diana. She had light, elegant footsteps as her hand grazed Akkos. 

"Good morning, Akko!", she greeted. 

"Oh, hey Diana!", Akko felt a burst of energy. She couldn't help, but be enticed from her presence. Akko enjoyed every moment with Diana. Her amber perfume complemented her elegance. Honestly, Akko only agreed to the study sessions to be with Diana. She frequently got distracted and drew pictures in the journal to get Diana's attention.

"I can't believe you agreed wake up so early to volunteer," Diana said. 

"Yeah, I'd totally do anything for y-... the dance!", Akko lied. She only agreed, because Diana asked. She looked back at Diana. "Ugh! I can't stupidly stare at her like that!", she thought to herself. Akko quickly averted her gaze, hoping Diana wouldn't notice. (She did notice).

"It's great that you're so enthusiastic. I know you will definitely have some creative ideas," Diana smiled back at her. 

"Yeah, I definitely have some very creative ideas!". This was another lie. Akko had no idea what she was doing, but that's her special talent of winging it. There was always some scheme she would formulate with her ideas. 

Professor Ursula greeted them. "Good morning, you two! It's great that your helping out. Akko can you go help Andrew over there?", she pointed towards Andrew. He turned around and waved back. 

"Hey, Akko. I knew I'd see you around soon!", Andrew greeted. 

"Yep! I somehow got dragged into helping out today," she replied. 

"Professor Ursula, I'll be off to get more supplies in town. I should be back in a few hours," Diana said as she walked off. 

"Yes, Diana! Thank you so much for running some errands for us!", Professor Ursula thanked her. 

"Of course, it's not a problem." 

Diana smiled before, she made a glare towards Andrew. It was a silent acknowledgement between the both of them. Andrew knew if he mentioned hints towards Diana's true feelings, Diana will jump him when he leasts expects it. Akko didn't notice the glare towards Andrew. She felt devastated that Diana would be leaving. After all, Diana was the whole reason Akko agreed to this!

"Yeah, we should get busy...", Andrew ushered Akko towards the ribbons on the ground. 

"Uh-huh", Akko replied with a sigh of defeat. 

During the set up...

Akko tried jumping up to reach the other side of the decor, but couldn't reach. 

"Hey, Andrew... Do you think you could jump up and get this?", she asked, feeling somewhat defeated. 

"Do I look like I have a Lakers vertical?", he teased. He figured that Akko probably didn't watch many sports teams. "Besides, can't you just use some magic to jump?", he asked. 

"Ummm... I'm working on that," Akko was still practicing honing her spells. Usually, her spells go out of control, creating a mass amounts of chaos. 

Andrew sighed, "Alright, I'll just go get a lad-". He got cut off by Akko's shenanigans. 

"Hold on let me on your shoulders real quick!", Akko found the solution. 

"What? That's a terrible idea. I think it's safer to just go get a ladder," Andrew persisted, worried about how safe the idea was. 

"Just hold still...", she stepped on his shoulders anyways.

"Hey, you just kicked my face!"

"Hold on...", she reached for the end of the streamer. "There we go!"

"I never want to be used as a ladder again," he said. "Why don't we take a quick break?" 

Akko nodded. A storage room got her attention. "Sure, but I want to check what's in that room," she pointed towards the room. 

"Are students even allowed to go in there? Is it even unlocked?", Andrew inquired. He began to become suspicious of Akko's chaos. This room could be another rabbit hole into something. 

"I know a thing or two...", she winked at him. Akko learned how to pick locks from Amanda when attempting to break in her dorm when she forgot her key.  She pulled out a lock pick. "Time to get to work!", she said as she mingled with the lock.

It took her a few minutes longer than she thought it would though. Amanda only took a few minutes, but Akko couldn't get it down. 

"Maybe we should just give up. It's locked for a reason...", Andrew proposed. 

"No way! I almost have it!", she persisted. "Got it!". She unlocked the door.

It was a dark room with no lights. Akko pulled out her wand to find the light switch. However, the light switch didn't work. 

"This looks like... memories of old school events", Akko said as she wiped the dust of old papers of the schools events. She began to walked forward, but bumped into something.

"That sounded kind of hard. Are you okay?", Andrew looked over. 

"Uhhh...", she couldn't formulate a proper sentence. The light from her wand illuminated a big box. It looked like an arcade console.

"Oh, it looks like one of those love testers," he said, wiping off the dust. 

"This would be perfect for the formal!", Akko declared. "Can you help me get this out?"

"How are we going to explain that we broke into a storage room?", Andrew was hesitant to help Akko. 

"Ummm... we will say it was already unlocked," she managed to formulate a believable lie. "Now, will you please help me, Andrew?". 

"Ugh, fine. Here's a dolly," he said as grabbed the dolly to put the machine on. 

Andrew and Akko managed to get the machine on the doll and tried to sneak out of the room without attention. Akko had some ideas what she wanted to do this. 

"What are we even going to do with this?", Andrew said as he wiped his forehead. "I don't think this will turn on". 

"We need to get this to Constanze. I bet she'll help out, but I need to do something first," Akko said. 

"What exactly do you plan to do with this?". Andrew looked at the love tester machine. It seemed like it hasn't been used in years. He thought it might not even work at all. 

"Trust me, it'll be great. Constanze will definitely help out. I'll take it to her now!", she took the dolly. "I'll be back soon!". Akko ran off to Constanzes room.

"What could she be up to this time?", Andrew whispered to himself. 

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