"Nightmares are good for one thing; free comfort and cuddles" N x V

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|| Not a request, basically V had a nightmare and N was conveniently already in the pod when she needed comfort. 
Takes place after pilot episode but it is not the same timeline in episode 2, V is still chained in this timeline and Uzi and N never thought of going back to the colony. Not even after Thad's visit. ||
(No need for a proofread or warning, just angst that turns into fluff)


V sprang up in a sitting position, her breathing heavy, hitched, and unsteady. She just woke up from a nightmare, apparently she's dreamt of being killed by.. Well, N. Quite a strange nightmare of course, but in the said dream, N wasn't himself. His visor was blank the whole time and he said nothing, only a sickening murderous smile plastered on his face as he attacked V relentlessly. No sign of regret. No sign of mercy. That wasn't N. That was a whole monster to V. Sure she may have ignored him and forgotten who he was most times, and that was a pretty valid reason for him to be mad at her. But he was not like that. And he never will be. And that's why she knew something was wrong, and why N, isn't N. That nightmare haunted her, being killed by the only coworker she had. The only drone who still loved her after everything. After how shitty she was towards him. But she's changed!.. She swore she'll change. She's trying, and N already forgave her. So where did that nightmare come from? How- how did her system even manage to make her dream of that? Thoughts and questions flooded her mind, but not enough answers. She hugged her legs and leaned her head on her knees, coiling her tail around her for protection. She never knew much about emotions yes, nor could she feel much, but she could most definitely know and feel these ones very clearly. Sadness, guilt, fear. Those were what overflowed through her mind. She started choking on her own silent sobs. Only being able to hear the echoes of the thoughts in her CPU. Her overthinking mind sending shivers down her spine as she thought negatively more, and more, and more.. And more... That was until she flinched at the sudden hand she felt on her shoulder. She looked at the figure with fear-filled eyes, it was N. Who was confused by her behavior.

N: "V.. Are- Are you alright?..."

N put his hand on her shoulder again, this time more careful and gentle. V tried to calm her breathing as she slowly softened down at his sweet soothing tone.

V: "I.. I- uhm... Y-Yeah.."

N: "You sure? What happened?"

V: "J-just.. A... Bad d-dream.."

N: "Bad dream?.. W-Wanna talk about it?"

V: "S-.. Sure?..."

N was surprised V actually agreed. Even though he heard hesitation in her voice, she still agreed to talking about her feelings.. Well not exactly about her feelings, but still. He smiled softly at the fact that V was finally comfortable with opening up to him. I guess she owes him after everything that's happened, even if she apologized.

V: "W-well.. I don't know how you'll react to this but... In my dream you-.. You.. Killed me..."

N was shocked now, him?! Killed her!?? No way! He'd never do that, he loves her too much to do that! His expression changed to a much concerned one

N: "M-Me?! Kill- y-you!?? Wh- I, w-why??!?"

V: "I-I don't know! I just!-.."

V starting tearing up, gripping her knees tighter as she looked away in shame.

N: "V.. V you know I'd never do that... I-.. I love you too much to ever hurt you!-"

V: "I KNOW, I know! And I don't even know why you still do! After everything I've DONE! WHY would you still love me?!"

N: "Because you've changed! You're trying to! You remember me, you- you respect me! That's something you've never done before! And I'll always love you V!.."

V: "*sniff* B-but.. Just... Why?.."

N angel sat down next to V and wrapped his arms around her and picked her up to be sitting on his lap, wrapping his arms around her and coiling his tail around them as he embraced her. Using one of his hands to gently rub her back. V hugged back, her hands around N's waist. She buried her face in his chest, feeling the warmth of N's embrace, and the feeling of the soft fabric of N's coat. She doesn't deserve this, if anything, she deserved that dream. That nightmare. But.. Something told her... that she didn't. That she didn't deserve that nightmare, but rather to just be grateful that N was still there for her after everything. She stopped crying, the tears stopped streaming down her face. They both enjoyed the peaceful, comfortable silence. Until N spoke

N: "I love you, V. I can't exactly list a specific reason why, but I just do.. I'll always be here for you..."

V removed her buried face in his chest to look face him, and then she smiled.. She actually smiled!

V: "T-thanks.. I'll still never understand why you still love me though, ahah... But uhm, yeah..

N smiled warmly at her. He brushed off a strand of hair on her visor and cupped her cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. V smiled softly and blushed, leaning her head on his hand. This startled N, and sent fireworks in his mind. He smiled brightly at V's attempt of showing affection back, N suddenly trapped her in a hug. The prick of his eyes having small tears of joy. V hugged him back hesitantly, as she is still not that used to 'affection' and stuff.

V: "N! You're squeezing my guts! Oww!!"

N lets go and gives out a chuckle

N: "Hahahah! Sorry! Just uhm.. Couldn't help myself! Hehe.."

V: "*sigh* it's fine ya goof!"

V then booped where N's 'nose' could be, and gave a slight giggle. N smiled and blushed at the gesture.

V: "I love you, N.. I'm really glad that you're here... Here with me.."

(963 words)

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