"Titanic, I think.." Sh#tpost(with a side of N x V)

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|| This is literally just a small story behind the cover.
Takes place after pilot, but a separate timeline where episode 2 never happened and V joined Uzi and N's side. The trio went out to explore a building and stuff, and found something that intrigued their boredom. And obviously, they decided to goof and mess around. Also, HELP ME I THINK I ADDED TOO MUCH EFFORT ON THE COMMERCIAL(that you will see later) MORE THAN THE CHAPTER ITSELF😭 ||
(No need for a proofread, this is literally just a shitpost with a pinch of N x V lol)


N: "Uzi! Uzi look!"

N called out, pointing towards what seemed to be a large ship. They were exploring an old building out of boredom that held large ships the humans used for transportation. But now since the waters of Copper-9 were now acidic due to the explosion and lack of a good atmosphere, most of the ships on the waters melted and sunk, while the ones still abandoned in large factories and buildings were kind of still intact. Sure the ships had a few damages, but they weren't that broken enough to not be able to hold 3 robots. The trio explored cruise ships, speedboats, transportation ships, yachts, you name it. They found an interesting ship that seemed to look VERY old, it looks vintage, and old-fashioned. Not to mention ancient. It still looked pretty stable, so they obviously explored it too.

V: "HAHA, LOOK! I found clothes, ooOo these look pretty neat! And I also found movie discs, hold on wait! What if we play some of the movies on the tv? The television still looks intact, if we just fixed it up a bit we could get it up and running!"

Uzi: "Hmm, not a bad idea. Let's try it!"

After a few hours(atleast 1-2 or more) of fixing the tv, it finally worked. Now all they had to do was find a couch, choose a movie, then get comfortable and watch!

N: "We got it fixed!! Okay now what movie do you guys wanna watch?!"

Uzi: "What about this one called 'Titanic'? Seems interesting, plus it looks like the humans die here haha!"

V: "Damn I feel like you're more psychotic than me, oh wait actually I don't think you are."

Uzi: "Oh bite me! Just play the robo-goddamn movie."

{ ~ An hour(or so) of crying(& criticizing) later ~ }
– Time skip brought to you by the new JCJenson branded cereals! With whole wheat-made cereal that are shaped like screws! Includes added sweet and delicious bolt-shaped grey marshmallows, buy 3 and get an exclusive murder drone plushie for free! –


V: "*also sobbing violently* I DON'T KNOWWW!!! THEY'RE JUST IDIOTS!!"

Both V and Uzi were clinging and gripping onto N's arms sobbing their eyes out, N wasn't really much touched by the movie(wow so shocking) although he certainly did enjoy it.

N: "Guys.. My arms are gonna get paralyzed if you keep holding onto me so tightly- Ow, biscuits! Uzi calm down! Your grip is like a child holding on their parent's legs just to prevent them from going away!"

Uzi released her grip and calmed down as the movie credits ended, she wiped her tears off still having that sad expression on her face. V on the other hand stopped crying but was still holding onto N, pretty much if V got all emotional she'd stay in whatever position she was until she snaps back to reality. What do you expect from someone who repressed her emotions too much?

N: "V.. Please calm down, your grip still quite hurts much y'know..."

V glanced at N and calmed herself down too, wiping away the streams of tears on her cheek. Finally removing her grip on N, poor man's got squeezed arms.

Uzi: "Damn that movie got me good, especially V."

V: "*sniff* Yeah, you're right."

Uzi: "Honestly it's weird not seeing you being yourself.. But then again it's.. Well, you. You're crazy! And not exactly in a good way..."

V: "Eh I'll take that as a compliment."

Uzi: "Speaking of not being yourself.. Hey N, V! I got an idea."

Uzi gave a menacing chuckle, and it immediately clicked in N and V's mind.

V: "Oh-ho-ho.. Alright what ya got? This sounds interestingly good"

Uzi: "Alright, okay so..-"

Uzi began rambling about her hilarious idea, N and V just nodded in response every time. and went to the balcony{what the fuck is it called? The head? The main lobby or some shit? -Author} of the ship, V having a large cackling grin on her face before changing it to a much serious one. V then walked to the very edge and did a T-pose and closed her eyes, waiting for N's cue. N was pretty nervous and reluctant with doing it at first, but he was able to hold V's waist and do a serious face while at it. Uzi took out a flute she found and started playing the chorus of "My Heart Will Go On" off-key(since when did she start playing?). Well it was good, sounded like a kazoo, but it was good. Uzi's expression formed a smirk and N's 'I-can-feel-my-bestfriend-internally-teasing-me' senses came on causing him to look and give a glare at her. Didn't stop Uzi from continuing to play the music and keeping that smug smile plastered on her face. After they managed to record that hilarious memory, they continued exploring and messing with other ships. Well this has surely become a fun and interesting day.

(873 words)

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