"A- A child?!" N x V

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|| Requested by: nightmareking612
Takes place after episode 3, as if ep. 4 never happened. V is no longer chained, since she joined N and Uzi's side. They returned to the spire to solve the mysteries and problems they have uncovered in the colony. But one day as Uzi went exploring somewhere, she found something. Or rather; someone.
Fluff! There's also a bonus part in the end :) ||
(No need for proofread or warning! By the way, the child will be non-binary in this oneshot. The gender may vary in other oneshots)


Uzi: "Heyy N?.. Hypothetically speaking... How would you react if I told ya that.. I found a disassembly drone... Child?-"

N spat the oil he was drinking from a cup, but can you blame him? Uzi just told him, to his own face, that she FOUND a child! And a disassembly drone one at that! V was confused too, she was pretty sure there weren't another team in the city they were in. So how did that happen?

N: "A-a-  A WHAT?!"

V: "Woah woah now, a disassembly drone child? How is that possible? I thought-  no, I know for a fact that me, J and N were the only team in THIS city. That's impossible!"

Uzi: "I know I know, I found it hard to comprehend it too. But for some reason, while I was scared to death, this child strangely wasn't attacking me. They were looking at me with, confusion most likely, as if they don't know what they were supposed to do!"

N: "Huh.. Considering that drone is still pretty much a child, I guess it's possible that they still don't know much of their purpose. But wait! Where is that child anyways? You.. Didn't think of bringing them with?"

Uzi inhaled sharply, now realizing that it was stupid of her to just leave a child. Especially a disassembly drone one at that.

Uzi: "Ohhhh.. Rightt... About that-.."

V: "Oh by the company you didn't think of bringing them with you."

N: "Uzi! It's a child! Why didn't you bring them along?!"

Uzi: "Look! This child is a war machine who's only objective is to murder MY kind! The child is quite literally, YOU guys, mixed together! But smaller and almost as tall as me! Well it seemed like the kid was 2 inches shorter than me but!-  Oh BITE ME!!"

V face palmed at this

V: "Bring me and N with you to find this child, let's go to wherever you were and see if we could still find them-"

N: "Wait, wait wait! Uzi, did you just say the child looks like me and V, but mixed together? What's that supposed to mean?"

V: "She means that the child looks like the both of us idio-  Wait. Looks.. Like, us-?"

V said, pointing to herself when she said the last word. She was now as confused as N was

Uzi: "Uhh, yeah? I was confused at first too, the child had V's hair length, but it was messy and fluffy, like N's. Their outfit consisted of a fur-collared black lab coat of some kind, kinda N's too, but they had a grey shirt under the coat and black shorts with yellow stripes on the bottom. Their legs looked weird too, like a mix of you guys' legs."

N: "That's weird, how can that child have our features when we probably don't even know them-!"

V: "N, N wait"

N: "Huh? Why?"

V: "Do you.. Remember that experiment from long ago? Before we went to Copper-9?"

Uzi: "The company still tried or did experiments on you guys even before you came here? Seriously how mind-wrecked is that company!?"

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