"Talk to me?" - N x V

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| Not a request, just a random thing I thought of |


V was being watched over by N, since N has already hunted and has enough oil to sustain him and V for a few weeks, so Uzi's out to explore for parts to repair the pod with, and also to upgrade her railgun. Although V's glad she wasn't chained or tied up anymore, she's still quite disappointed in the lack of trust Uzi has in her. Maybe N lacks some too, or maybe he just doesn't want Uzi getting hurt or uncomfortable. Well, V is pretty infuriated at Uzi. First, for killing J. Second, well, for basically chaining and tying her up. But V couldn't bring herself to hate N, well, at least he did have a valid and non-irrational reason. She's been doing some self-reflection lately, and she now knows how terrible N was treated, by both her and J. Now, although V didn't treat N as badly as their leader did, she still felt bad about how she constantly ignored him and basically forgot about his whole existence. V wasn't gonna try to justify her nor J's actions, because she does know that they really did treat him pretty horribly, even if she now truly felt guilty about it. She believes that her feeling immense guilt for treating N so terribly is supposed to happen, but does not justify her actions to be fair or well-reasoned. She glanced at N, who was awkwardly sitting on the swivel chair opposing V's. He was looking down at the floor his hands on his laps, it's clear that N knew the atmosphere was quiet and the awkwardness was tense, so he remained silent. V though, was thinking of ways to make it up to N for how badly she treated him back then, but the death of J still has her afflicted. Especially since J was the only other drone who V bothered to remember the name of, they weren't close, but were close to friends and/or acquaintances in a way. So J's death still, somehow, affected V. Eventually though, V kept her mouth shut and decided to not say anything, to N or to anyone at all. She didn't wanna feel weak by having emotions, she never wants that to happen. She never wants to feel that stupid emotion again, she didn't want to feel as weak as she did when she used to-

"Something on your mind, V?"

She heard N's voice ask, as she snapped into reality, her thoughts being cut off. V looked at him, slightly surprised at his question.

"Wh-... Why bother ask? I'm fine."

V responded, her tone blunt as she slightly furrowed her eyebrows at N when she said that she was 'fine'.

"Well... You surely don't look like it.."

N replied, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.

"You wanna talk about it? It seems like something's got you in a bit of a mood."

He gave his best smile at her, trying to seem chill. When in reality, he was really nervous and was freaking out that his crush was finally talking back to him and finally acknowledging his existence. V hummed in displeasure, averting her gaze away from N.

"It's nothing."

V looked down at the ground, crossing her arms.

"Doesn't sound like it, you okay?"

N asked, raising a 'brow'.

"Obviously not."

"That's fine, what's the problem?"

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