"Soulmate." - V x Uzi

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« Eat up, my dear Vuzi enthusiasts. »


Peeping her head through the small gap between the door and the wall of Uzi's room, a certain female disassembly drone looks up at the elevated bed which Uzi laid on, scrolling on her phone with a facial expression of boredom — not noticing V staring at her.

Normally though, V wasn't one to showcase her vulnerability with anyone. She'd always just push away her feelings and be more of the type to give open arms to any other drone she cared for who showed her their own vulnerability.

You'd have to gain a whole different level of V's trust to get to see even the slightest glimpse of any fear in her eyes.

Uzi was the one able to fulfill that so far.

Even if V was also somewhat close with N, her core found itself racing for Uzi and Uzi only.

With a taut and soft tone, V spoke.

"Hey, 'Zi?"

Surely enough, the purple-haired goth girl turned her head to the source of V's voice.


She raised a digital purple brow, as V walked in her room dimly lit by purple LED lights.

"You busy on something?"

Tilting her head to the side a little, V awaits an answer.

"Nah. Not at all, what's up?"

"Just wondering if you'd care enough to spare a hug."

Gears turned inside of Uzi's mind, this was certainly one shocking surprise. Serial Designation V? A little sociopathic, insane, and psychotic mass murderer, going soft?

Well you can't really not expect that from your own crazy girlfriend, but V's never the type to ask for something like that. As a matter of fact; V's never asked for anything outside of requesting for basic necessities.

"Uh, sure. I mean, I don't mind giving my own literal girlfriend something that I give 3-4 times a day after all."

She joked a bit, snickering slightly.

"But first of all, are you okay?"

V didn't expect Uzi to catch on so quickly. But of course, being Uzi's girlfriend meant that she'd be able to know everything about you in probably under a day.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't ask for this kind of stuff, well at least, not usually."

V glanced to her side, sighing in defeat.

"I just really need one right now."

Uzi found this as a fun opportunity to do a bit of taunting, as she smirked a little.

"Be a little more specific? What exactly do you need right now?"

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