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I looked through my notebook, looking for a song I would want to add to my album, I need 4 more songs, I wrote 3 while I was in Bel Air.

My light turned on. "Take yo ass to bed, Now!" My dad demanded, I looked at the clock and it read 3:46 am "Ok." I closed my notebook and laid down. My notebook has songs in it from when I was living with my birth parents, I would write when I was scared.

So far my album has 5 features. I got Jay z and Lil Wayne on the first track, Drake on the second, Rhianna on the 5th, and Nicki on the 11th, I'ma tryna get Beyonce on one of em.

I drifted off to sleep soon, just loving life.


I woke up, took a shower, and put on a green Nike Tech outfit and some white air forces to be casual. Then I made my hair look nice and I was ready to go. "Bye mom, Bye dad!" I shouted as I went outside and got in the truck. Vince was already in there waiting. "We picking up Aaliyah?" He asked. "Yep," I said as I texted her to let her know we were on the way.

Aaliyah doesn't live too far that's why we pick her up. She got in the car and just looked at me. "You're in like none of my classes!" She said angrily. "how do you know?" I said, going to my camera roll to look at my schedule. "Attendance duh."

We pulled up to the school and got out, "Bye Vince." "Bye, be good." He drove off. I started my adventure of finding my first class, "114" I mumbled to myself as I roamed the first floor.

When I found it I was 10 minutes late. I knocked on the door and the teacher said "Come in." I walked in and some people looked up, they were shocked I was there, but it didn't last long.

I decided to go to a public school, because why not.

"Hi, I'm guessing you are Isaac?" The teacher asked. I nodded as I stood there. "Say Hi to Isaac, class," He instructed. "Hey." the class blandly said as I went to a seat in the back. When I'm just out in public I'm a little shy, but when I'm on stage it's like someone with confidence takes over my body.

I sat down and pulled out a notebook. I copied everything that the teacher said as we went on this 45-minute lecture. 

Every class has a window so you can see out in the hall, I looked out there and some lady was staring dead at me, once I noticed her she signaled for me to come to her. I got up and walked to the door, opening it and going outside.

"Hi Isaac, I want you to consider this." She handed me a flier for Choir.

Why would I need to do choir when I'm already the boss bitch? "Ok..." I smiled and went back to my class. I got bored so I pulled out my other notebook and looked through the songs, I put a star next to my favorite 4 songs so I can sing them for my album.

I doodled in my notebook and stared at the clock, I would be on my phone but my phone is boring too.

Once class ended I left that hoe so fast. 


I looked at the disgusting-looking lunch sitting in front of me. "Who is supposed to eat this?" "I know you're used to caviar and lobster, but it's good." Aaliyah tried to throw shots at me. "I don't eat fish eggs, and I'm allergic to shellfish, don't try me." I snapped at her.

I don't even know why she playing, she is literally richer than me, and her family is worth billions.

I took a bite of the food and it actually wasn't bad, or maybe I'm just starving. I never eat breakfast so I be hungry as hell in the morning. My phone started ringing and it was an unknown number, I decided to answer it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi." "Who is this?" "Why is your dumbass answering unknown calls?" Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "It's Justin, from the party."

"Oh, how you been?" I asked while blushing. "Alright, I just got out of school. What about you?" "I'm at lunch"

"ok call me when school is over I guess." He hung up. I saved his number and went on about my day.


I walked out of the school, waiting for Vince to pick me up, Aaliyah's mom picked her up so It was just me.

I got in once Vince came up to the pickup area. "Aaliyah's not coming," I said and Vince started driving.

I felt someone behind me and I turned around and Justin was there. "How did you get here?" I jumped because I was shocked.

"I found out you live here and I also live here." He smiled. "Vince you just letting anybody in my car?" I asked him. "He ain't just anybody, His parents are the owners of Motor city tech." Motor city tech is a company that makes stuff like appliances, computers, and even some engines for cars. It started in Detroit but grew to be international over the last 80 years. They are the biggest competitors with King Tech company, also known as the company Aaliyah's dad owns.

"Really?" I turned back to him and he just nodded. "So you rich rich?"  I asked and he laughed a bit, "yea."

"I'm not only my parent's son, I'm also a rapper." He added after a long pause. "I might need you in the studio with me." I chuckled. "Bet."

Vince pulled up to the studio. "I gotta work today?" I groaned. "Yep, your dad already promised Justin a feature." I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car.

I walked in and everyone was in there already. "Hey yall, special guest!" I said as I walked in with Justin. "Hey" they all replied back. I walked straight to my manager. "What you think about these?" I asked while ripping 4 pages out of my notebook and giving him them.

He read each one as I looked around. Usually, my dad is here... where he at?

"I feel like these match with the album, not this one though." He handed me 3 pages back. "Ok, and the last song will be the feature with  Justin" I smiled as I walked to my Digital Audio workstation. I read the first paper in my mind while thinking of a beat. I played the beat out and let it come to my mind, I pressed record once I got it to where I liked it.

I stepped into the booth and started singing it. People nodded their heads as I sorta rap-sang. I can't explain it but it's like rapping, but also singing.

"Alright, let's hear it." I stepped out of the booth. I listened to the song and it was ok. "It sounds bland, I think it needs vocals or something," Justin said. "What u mean vocals?" My manager asked.

"Background vocals, like an opera or some shit." He shrugged his shoulders. I looked at my manager "What do you think?" "I think he's right." I shrugged as I stepped back into the booth. "Play the song low so I can hear it," I said and it started playing.

"Way better," Justin said as I stepped out. We went through this process 2 more times until it was time for the last song, cause fuck 2 takes.

I stepped out of the booth after recording the chorus, bridge, and verse. "Alright, here you go," I said as he went into the booth.

"Oh shit." My manager said as Justin started rapping. I nodded along with the beat, "this shit fire."

Justin stepped out of the booth and didn't look proud or anything, just normal. "That was awesome!" I high-fived him and he chuckled. "Ya'll ready to go?" Vince walked up to us. "Yea."

Do Yall think this album gon flop?

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