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Me, Ivan, my dad, and Uncle Ray walked out of the church holding the casket. We carried it all the way to the hearse and slid it in. Not gonna lie that shit was heavy as fuck. All our family members and friends walked out behind us. They walked to their cars, but the immediate family members walked to the Limos behind the hearse. 

We walked to the first limo right behind the hearse and once everyone got the flag on their car we started moving. We got to Woodlawn Cemetery and made our way to the grave plot.

I shed a tear as I watched the Rose Gold casket slowly descend to the ground. "Our heavenly father, we thank you for the life you have given us. It is full of work, responsibility, sorrow, and joy. We thank you for the amazing life you have given Imani and for allowing her to give us amazing lives. I know there is a reason for everything, so I hope that the reason you took this beautiful soul was a good reason, Amen." The priest said and threw holy water on the casket once he finished.

Everyone threw roses onto the casket before the church workers grabbed the shovels. Once they finished putting the dirt over her we left back to the church to eat.

This is my first time seeing my dad since the day she died, I've been wanting to ask where he was but I couldn't. Now I can.

"Dad, Where were you?" I asked. "I-I stayed at the office so much work for the record label." He stuttered and I raised an eyebrow.

I'll let it go for now.


"I'm not going trick or treating today, my mom's funeral was yesterday," I said to Justin through the phone. "Oh, well can I come over, we can watch scary movies and eat popcorn." He asked. "Sure."

I picked up in my room, it wasn't filthy but I had clothes on the floor. I ran down the stairs once I heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" I said to Ivan. Dad is still out, at work my ass.

"Hey, Justin." "Hey, I brought some popcorn." He smiled. "Ok I'll pop it, Dre can you take him to my room?" Dre nodded and escorted Justin to my room.

"Whos your little friend?" Ivan asked. "My friend I met at that party, he goes to my school too," I explained as I took the popcorn out of the microwave and picked up the popcorn seasoning.

"Oh, well I'm going out with some friends, we're toasting for mom." He explained. "You're not old enough to drink." "I smelt your breath after that Beyonce party, be for real." He rolled his eyes as he took his water to his room.

"I got the popcorn," I said as I sat on my bed next to Justin, placing the bowl of popcorn in my lap. "White Cheddar or Kettle Corn?" I asked. "Kettle Corn." I poured the seasoning on the popcorn and shook the bowl. "Wanna watch Annabelle?" "No, I hate dolls." "Ok." He put on Annabelle.

I smacked my lips as I watched the movie.

"Alright I'm out," Ivan said through the door and I jumped. "Ok bye!" 

"Can I tell you something?" Justin asked. "Sure anything," I said. "I'm gay." He let out and a woman on the screen screamed as soon as he said it. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry that was perfect timing, but ok." I shrugged.

"Really? you're ok with that?" "Yea why wouldn't I be? Once I was adopted by a gay couple, but our house got torched and they died, I escaped." I got so many stories from being adopted because I was adopted like 5 times since I was 5.

"Damn you were living in a horror movie. I haven't told my parents yet because I'm scared they won't accept me and when I grow up I won't get their company." "I'm sure they will accept you." I munched on some popcorn. "Ok." "If they don't I'll be here for you," I said trying to make the mood slightly better.

Justin turned towards me. "Thank you." He said, My eyes went straight to his eyes, they look nice.  I felt him lean closer but I didn't move, I was nervous. our faces were inches apart. I turned my head once he got too close. "This movie is crazy." I nervously said.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." He face palmed himself. "No, it's ok." I turned to him and I guess he took the chance. He kissed me before I could turn back. My heart started racing. I allowed him to kiss me, I want it, but now I want it.

After a while I felt my body relax, I melted in his hands as he kissed me. His hands rubbed my back while our lips touch. His lips are so soft it's amazing. I feel this tongue begging for me to let it in. I tightened my lips, but after a while, I gave in, I let his tongue in my mouth, and our tongues wrestled. He pushed me over, now my back on the floor and him on top of me, a whole makeout session.

I felt his hands move from my body to my hair, as he played with my hair I dominated his tongue. Soon he pulled back and just looked at me. 'I'm sorry, I just had to." He said.

"I- I liked it." I stuttered out. "Your lips are soft." He licked his lips. "So are yours," I said and looked around. "Y-you can get off me now." "Oh... sorry."

We sat there in silence "So, does this make us something?" I asked. "No of course not, it's just a kiss. Unless you want to be something!" He smiled widely. "I don't know, I'm not sure if I'm gay." 

He chuckled and looked to the tv. I looked and saw the credits rolling. "Well I got to go, bye." He kissed me again. "bye." I followed him to the door and watched as he got in his car. 

I might be gay.

How yall feel about Justin kissing Isaac?

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