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"ISAAC EDWARDS" my dad yelled while he swung my door open at 12:45 am on a Friday. "Huh?" He grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up to where we are face to face. My feet are like a whole foot off the ground "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He yelled again. I was so stunned I couldn't even talk, I don't even know what he was talking about. 

"What?" I'm scared as hell. "You know, that fucking song! I told you you weren't gay! You did that on purpose just to get me mad!" He went on. I looked and Ivan was behind him, Just looking flabbergasted.

"N-no I didn't!" I started crying. "Go and unrelease that song now!" He demanded, dropping me. "No, I like the song," I said. "Ok, then get out of my fucking house... NOW!" He screamed. I got up and ran downstairs. I stopped at the door and looked at the key rack. I shouldn't... I should.

I grabbed the keys to the Lamborghini I gave him the money for and ran out to the garage. I started it and jumped in. "God, please don't let me crash," I said as I put it in drive and drove out the front.

I drove to Justin's house. He doesn't live so far so that was good. I knocked on the door and his mom answered it. "Hello? Oh hey, Isaac." She smiled. "Hi, can I stay here for a while?" "Why?" She asked. "my dad kicked me out." She nodded and let me in. I looked at the car, It got a few scratches from me hitting garbage cans.

I walked to Justin's room and knocked on his door. "What?" he groaned. "Hi babe," I said threw the door. He let me in his room eventually. "What are you doing here?" "I got kicked out because of my new song."

"What is it?" "here, just listen." I sent him the song, and he played it and looked surprised. "you just came out to the whole world, no wonder he's mad." "No, he's mad because I did this after he told me I wasn't gay."

"Ok, well I'm not going to school tomorrow so I guess you aren't either." He shrugged. "Ok, I'm exhausted." 

We got in his bed and drifted off to sleep. I was the little spoon of course.


I woke up to my phone buzzing, It was my dad. I declined and rolled back over. My phone buzzed again, I hesitantly looked at it, it was Ivan. "What?" I answered the phone.

"Damn, hello to you too. Dad said can you come home, with the car, he wants to talk to you." "No, I don't want to talk to him," I said. "Come home now." Ivan hung up. I huffed and got up. "Justin, I'm leaving. My dad wants to talk to me." "Want me to come?" I nodded and he got up. We left and got in the Lambo, I let him drive because I did a pretty bad job last time.

"Why is Justin with you?" Ivan asked. "I stayed at his house." Ivan raised an eyebrow. "No, we didn't do that!" I sat on the couch while dad came downstairs.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, Ivan told me that I can't stop you from being yourself or something like that... So like come home?" "Ok sure." I shrugged. I didn't plan on staying at Justin's for long so I guess I'll come home.

"Thank you." My dad smiled before going to the kitchen. "Are you sure?" Justin asked. "I'm sure." I nodded. "Alright well, I'm gonna go home now..." He got up and left. "bye" I smiled as he walked out the door and walked down the street.

That went better than I thought.

My dad came back and left, without saying anything. I rolled my eyes and turned on the tv. I really wonder where he goes. I got up and walked to the window. I watched him get in the car and drive off.

Once he left the driveway I left the house and walked to the corner. I kept my distance but also made sure I could still see the car.

After following him for 30 minutes I saw him drive up to a house.

"What the fuck." I mumbled to myself as I looked in the window. It was a lot of girls in this room with one bed. The room looked really dirty and these girls looked about 16-18 years old.

There were also some boys here, not many but a few. I counted 15 people and 3 were boys. I hid on the side of the house as a van pulled up. A few minutes later a whole bunch of girls and a boy were led into the house. a similar amount of girls were led to the van.

What the fuck is going on. I called Ivan once I got my phone out of my pocket. "What?" He asked. "I followed dad and-" You followed dad?!" He asked. "Yea." "You're not supposed to, come home!" He demanded like he was somebodies dad. "What is he doing?" I asked, ignoring what he said. "None of your business, come home before you get caught!" He demanded again. I looked back to the street and noticed the van started driving off but stopped shortly after.

"What is this van doing?" I mumbled to myself. "Just get yo ass home bruh." He hung up.

Someone got out of the van and started walking toward me. Fuck that. I got up and walked away. He sped up behind me and I started running. I ran into the trees behind the house to try and lose whoever it was following me. I looked back to see where he was and ran right into a tree, at full speed. Damn!


I woke up in a dark place with my hands tied and tape on my mouth. As my eyes adjusted to the light I noticed there were other kids in there, the girls who I saw got escorted to the van.

They didn't look scared, they looked depressed. How come I had tape on my mouth and they don't? I started panicking. "Calm down." the girl next to me said. The door opened and they started pulling us out of the back of the van. I followed the directions into this abandoned warehouse.

They put us into this room with one bed, it was mold in every corner of the room. The man took the tape off my mouth. "What is this?" I asked as soon as it was off. "Shut up or I'll put it back on." He threatened and walked away.

"They're gonna sell us." a random girl said. "Sell us to be what? Slaves?" "kind of, sex slaves." what the fuck? How did she say that so casually!?!?

"oh," I said, trying to match her tone. I eventually fell asleep due to boredom. When I was woken up they were escorting us somewhere. We walked in a single file line to another room. I was told to stay at the end of the line. I looked down and I was stripped of my clothes and into my underwear.

After 2 hours It was my turn. With all these lights n shit it feels like a concert.

Part 2 ---->

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