46 || Overthinker

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His eyes widened at her name, and his lips parted as if they were about to say something but nothing came out. "Who-who told you about Casey-her?" he couldn't even say her name without his voice breaking apart

What did she do to him?

"Selena told me you killed her, and that she was the first woman you ever loved" that's when I notice a tear slip from his eyes, a sudden hurtful tear

"I-I can't" he then suddenly ran toward the backyard glass sliding door without a word, "papa!" I yelled running after him, I didn't want to force him to tell me

but just by looking into his eyes, it hurt him, a lot, I saw trauma, I saw pain, I saw anger and sadness, whatever happened with her must've traumatized him to the point he was afraid to love mama

that he would physically hurt her, he was so scared to love her that he did everything in his power to make her brutally hate him

yet it didn't work because their love is too powerful.


All night I stayed up thinking about what Casey must've done to papa, The pain in my heart seeing his reaction and the way he ran away from me

Papa never runs away from nobody it's always the opposite, I gazed up at the ceiling while Nico laid beside me

I felt my throat close up from the thought of papa being hurt, I took a deep breath and got out of bed for a glass of water

I head downstairs using my phone flashlight for help, As I was walking downstairs into the kitchen I let out a yelp when I see papa jump nearly bumping into me

He was holding a glass of milk in the dark? "Papa you scared me" I inhaled, He gulped and apologized walking past me

"papa wait" I loudly whisper, he freezes in place as I shine my flashlight toward him, he turns around to face me but kept blinking from my flashlight

"Addie" He shut his eyes, "Shit sorry" I giggle facing the flashlight down at the ground, "Are you okay?" "I shouldn't be asking that question" I replied folding my arms across my chest

He sighed and chugged the glass of milk in one sip, wow...impressive

"I'm fine"
"No your not" I shake my head
"It doesn't matter there are bigger issues than my feelings" before he could walk away I said something I probably shouldn't have said

"When will you finally put yourself first," he froze in place up the stairs, he didn't speak, he didn't turn around he just walked away with no other word.


"Your overreacting" Ferni rolled her eyes as we made our way toward the Starbucks line, she begged me to join her even tho I hate coffee but she ended up buying me one

Adeline is spending the day with Reuben, pretty sure they got into a fight and wanted to talk it out,

"I don't overreact" I roll my eyes and hand my card to the cashier, Maybe I was overreacting, But if your soon-to-be wife has been anxious about the wedding avoiding eye contact

and having to fake a smile near you, isn't that a sign they don't love you anymore? like I swear she has been avoiding me

"Ferni I think she's having second thoughts, Ferni I think she hates me, Ferni what if she loves someone else?" she mocked me faking my Spanish accent

"I don't speak like that"
"I dont talk like that" She mimicked me again, "Hey stop!" I pointed my finger at her as I drove up to the next window

We kept arguing about my accent while the next cashier gave us dirty looks, I was about to say something when Ferni pinched me

"Screw you bitch" I drove away while she held the drinks, "Yeah whatever you love me tho" she chuckled taking a sip of her coffee, "Sure" I sighed

Ferni and I have been getting closer, and yes I think I love her as a sister, Ero and I were never like our relationship we always fought physically and argued half the time we were together

Papa had to separate us before we killed each other, but Ferni and I are different, it's like we are actually siblings, feels like I've known her since birth

Ever since I found out about her father and her brother being a dick head I've been there for her, I wanted to ask about her brother but I didn't want to ruin the fucking mood

But I did anyways, "Have you heard from Asmel?" I asked, her smile faded and from the corner of my eyes I could see her sneaking a glance, "No, and I hope not to" her voice came out more as a whisper

I nodded and decided to take a sip of my drink, I reached it up to my lips and I swear I entered a whole new universe

Ferni began laughing once she saw me chug the cup of coffee down my throat.

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