23 || The Call

610 13 5

(Recommend playing the song to feel the tension and chemistry)


Hours earlier;

"I'm not going to a fucking nightclub" Nico rolled his eyes while he sat in the living room staring up at the tv, I've been trying to convince him to finally go to the nightclub with me and Ero without saying Addie would be there

If I were to say Addie would be going I bet- wait, "Addies going" He quickly sat up and shut off the tv, "Yeah and you know the nightclub has a bunch of hot men what if one tries to touch your woman" I smirk folding my arms across my chest

"How do I know you're not lying" he arches a brow, I roll my eyes and take out my phone, I hold my arm out to show him the text messages between Addie and I

He snatches my phone from my hands and reads the messages like his life depended on it,

Zella: Flash Dancer club, 8 p.m bring everyone!
Addie: Bet trying to have fun tonight if yk what I mean ;)
Zella: Definitely do ;)

"Like hell she is" he whispered under his breath, "Get dressed we're leaving soon"



She danced like a goddamn stripper, swaying her hips back and forth while dancing on top of Ferni, Fern's hands were on her hips as Adelines twerked on her having one arm up

She was one of the sexiest person in this whole room, I stood in the corner of the balcony while staring straight at her

Suddenly Warren stole Ferni away from Adeline and she started dancing with Celine and Zella, Ero talked with Silvio at the bar

They seemed to be getting along, jerks. Thats when Zella says something, Celine nods while Adeline shakes her head no

Zella grasps Celine's hand and they walk out the dance floor, leaving her alone, Adeline dances by herself moving her hips and waist while singing the song the DJ was playing

Her hands were up in the air and she had the most beautiful biggest smile on her face, and her hair down to her waist long and shiny brown, it defined her so fucking well,

How much I wanted to hold her by the waist while we danced in the middle of the crowd, pinning her against my chest while she swayed with me to the music, Kissing her neck while she kissed mine

Her lips on mine, stop, I shake myself off and stare back at her to see a guy holding her by the waist as she smiled licking her lips

"Fuck no," I say shoving everyone out my way till I get to the crowd, I push the fucker off her causing him to bump into someone else "What the hell man!" "Nico!" Adeline and this idiot shout at once,

"Touch what is mine again and I'll kill you" I engaged his collarbone and his eyes filled with fear once he saw my anger in my eyes

"Got it," he said rushing out of the crowd, Adeline then turns me around and slaps me across the face causing everyone to rumor, the slap was so hard so fucking loud

I loved it, I laughed while glancing back at her "You can't just scare every guy who comes up to me!" She shouts furiously while we stood in the middle of the dance floor people surrounding us in the dark

"Slap me again Angel" I seized her waist pulling her toward my chest, "I rather fucking punch you but I know you would love it" She rolls her eyes trying to push me off her

"I'm not yours!" She shouts gritting her teeth at me, "Your my wife" I shout back, "No I am not, this is fake everything is fake! I get to have sex with whoever I want!"

She glares me in the eye, her siren eyes are screaming for me to shove my lips onto her's and I know mine are too, "Fuck me, please me, kiss me, not some other weak fuck!" I shouted too loud

I glance up at everyone smirking at me, I see Zella Fern and Celine cheering once they overheard shout through the room, While Ero was bent down and Warren pretended to hump him while rolling his eyes back Silvio shoves both of them as they all laughed together

Fucking idiots

"They want this, Angel" I lean down to whisper, she had long heels on but I still had to lean down to whisper in her ear

"All of your friends want us together," She turns her head to see them winking and smirking at us while mimicking kissing,

She rolls her eye then turns back to glance at me, "That's too bad" She shrugs, we don't move we just stare into each other's eye

Anger, revenge, and lust were mixed into our eyes, She wants it so bad but she doesn't want to give in, I want her to give in so I could give in

I could give in so she could give in

Give in, don't give in, give in, don't give in, give in, don't give in

kept repeating in my head,


so many emotions going through my head, 'give in Addie' they said, I want to so fucking bad, I want to feel him against me

his kisses burning into my skin, his lips on mine, the desire was growing by the second, but that's when his phone rang like crazy

he released me and dug into his pants and picked up the phone, "Papa?" He shouts, his face grows dark, and his eyes started tearing up from anger

He hangs up and, glares at me for a few seconds, "I have to go" He rushes out of the crowd shoving everyone out his way as he lets go of my waist, "Nico!" I shout trying to shove past people,

Once I got to the exit I saw him speed off the city, Somethings was wrong...

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now