06 || Hijo

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"Dont say that Hecate, He won't I promise you he won't" I hugged her tighter and stroked her back in circles, and placed a kiss on her cheek.


"Ah, papa come on!" I smiled having my hands out for him signing for him to hug me, He arches a brow and pats my back, "Hurt her and I'll destroy you" "Destroy me I'll kill her" he shoved me off instantly as he tried to hold in his rage

I chuckle creepily and held out my hand for Addie, Marco wouldn't stop glaring at me as I placed my hand behind her back, He quickly paced toward Reuben and leaned in his ear to whisper

They're both glaring at me now, Shit what did he say?! Reuben chuckled and placed his hand over his mouth massaging it down toward his chin. 

There both chuckling now, For fucks sake this fuckers are messing with me, Everyone applauds as they saw a new power couple. 

Never felt more loved. 


After a few hours I was talking with Silvio downstairs while taking sips of champagne, Nico was glaring at me upstairs leaning on the railing while taking sips of tequila, Analyzing my every move

"Addie!" I overhear a soft german voice shout in happiness, "Celine!" I cheer placing a kiss on her cheek while she did the same, "I missed you so much, love!" She hugs me tightly

Ah Celine, My best friend, well my second best friend don't want to make Silvio jealous, We met through my papa's allies

Her parents and mine were at war a few years back when I was young but now they made a truce and we've never been closer, She's a year older than me but she's never been more gorgeous

Her crystal ocean-blue eyes, A nice ass and a pair of tits, Beautiful long straight hair blonde hair with bits of brown highlights, and a smile to die for

"I've seen you before!" She giggled having her hand out for him, "I've definitely seen you before" Silvio flirts placing a soft kiss on her palm, She chuckles again and smiles him up and down

"Where Warren?" I ask curiously looking around for him, "He had some business with our papa again" She sighed

I hand her champagne from a maid passing by with a trait, She giggles and thanks me as she chugged it down her throat, I love Celine like she was my own sister she reminds me of my mother when she was younger

She's so...sweet it's rare, "So where Ero that um nice fiance of yours" I laugh out loud while everyone stayed silent, "What?" Celine softly chuckled along with me, "Ero is not my fiance Nico is-" "Oh thank god! If I'm being honest I never liked that guy" She laughed even louder than me

"So whos the lucky guy your marrying?" She took a sip of her champagne, "His brother" She spits her champagne while everyone stayed silent and looked toward us. 

"Um did I hear you correctly" She spoke like a princess god I wish I was a guy right now...

"Yes I'm marrying Nico" I chugged the champagne down my throat, "Wow that's my girl" She chuckled at once Silvio, I gaze over at Silvio having a weird smile on. 

Hmm, a little crush?

While Celine and Silvio spoke about their life, I nodded and said little words they seem to really connect pretty quickly, Thats when out of a sudden I glance up where Nico was to see Marco and him talking

"I WAS YOUR SON!" Everyone again stayed silent including me, They all glanced up toward Nico and Marco arguing, "Fuck" I mouthed rushing upstairs toward them, I make a pretty smile toward people staring at me


A few minutes ago;

As I glared at Adeline and a gorgeous blonde hair girl giving her what seem to be an extremely tight hug, I overhear footsteps behind me

I knew exactly who it was I know I shouldn't pull my gun out but...

"(Son) Hijo" I froze in place, He hasn't called me his son in such a long time ago, "We have to talk and leave the past in the past" He glanced toward me glaring at me with what felt like sorrow

"Your mother and I are...concerned"


"You think I'll turn out to be just like Enzo don't you" I rolled my eyes turning to look at him, He glances away instantly, "Hijo, Your acting like him and I'm-" "I'm not Enzo!" I grit my teeth whispering into his ear

"I know you aren't, I-I love you Nico" Love, "pfft" I chuckle chugging the tequila down my throat, Feeling the burn of the alcohol felt pleasing at the moment, "What did I do for you to turn out like this?"

"You" I mumble under my breath

"Is this about Reuben and Ero? get over it Nico-" "I was the heir to the throne papa" I snarl, "Your irresponsible your going to end us killed" He snarled back

"And Ero isn't"
"No, he isn't"
"What about Reuben? Signing up as your right hand? What the actual fuck!" I shout furiously

"He's like a brother to me" Marco growled, "I'm in charge and you coming after Adeline like that will just get you killed"

"You don't know anything" I sighed leaning toward him, "I know you're doing this for the mob, If you even dare touch Addie I'll fucking kill you, Nico"

I chuckle again, The same height, The same face, and the same blood is my rival, "Not until I kill you first" I grin

He paused as his pupils got smaller, "Listen to me very closely Nico, If you even dare try anything I will tell Reuben your plan, He can deal with you and I know for a fact he will torture you to death"

"Tell Reuben and I'll kill Adeline, We share the same bed papa, I can easily kill her in her sleep" "Enough!" He groans

"I'm your father and you will respect the people I love!" "I AM YOUR SON!" A pause between us, "You never showed care for me but for another foolish girl you don't even know that well, You'll kill me for her?" I felt my eyes starting to tear up but I forced them to stay put.

I didn't realize how furious I was getting, It didn't feel like anger more like sadness, Disappointment my father would pick other people than his own son

"Nico" I hear her soft voice behind me, I slowly gaze behind me and see her glancing at me with worry or annoyance I couldn't tell. 

"Both of you need to stop and make a truce, This is ridiculous your son and father you are supposed to support each other!" She stomped. 

Kinda turned me on when she seems mad, I couldn't help but laugh tho, "Nico," He said, "I'll always pick you and you know it hijo" "Enough Marco, I'm not your son and you know it"

I let out a broken sigh and stormed off. 


I've never seen Nico so upset before, He looked like he was on the verge of crying whatever Marco had said must have affected him

"I'm sorry you had to see that Addie I-I'm a mess today" he chuckled through the pain, "No it's okay, I know how Nico gets" No I dont

I felt bad for the guy, "It was entirely my fault, I should apologize-"


As I was about to storm back into the ballroom and yell a few more words I needed to take out my chest I freeze in place when I see a red laser gun being pointed toward Adeline's forehead, Marco then glanced toward the crowd in shock but before he could shove Adeline out the way

I run as fast as I could and shove both of them out of the way...

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