12 || Revenge

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I sat beside Esme as she handed me a glass of water, "I just don't want to live like this" She nods like she understand what I mean, "I know what you mean, My mother went through the same thing when she was a teenager, I think you should do what you want Addie"

I nod and gaze down at the ground, Esme and her family are no longer a part of mafias and mobs, they made history yes but I'm glad she's safe and could do anything she desires to

"I should head out soon-"
"What no stay as long as you'll like" She places her head on my thigh giving me a sensory look, "I can't Esme, I'm putting your life at risk for just being here" She shakes her head and holds onto my hand

"You can come here as long as you'll like Addie, and I promise you I'll always be here" That made my day even better, But I won't be able to see Esme ever again it's too dangerous for her

"Thanks, Esme take care okay" I give her a tight hug before sitting up, She hugs me back and then walks me out of her mansion


As I glared at Warren talking with Adeline on the couch I realize he was getting closer and closer, She was laughing what the fuck is so funny? She doesn't laugh like that at my jokes

"You creep" I instantly jump pulling out my gun toward Silvio arching a brow at me, "Fuck" I mouth rolling my eyes and placing my gun back into my pants, "What do you want" I roll my eyes leaning against the wall as he folds his arms across his chest

"You know you could stop drooling and walk up to them" I arch a brow at him now, "I'm not jealous" I roll my eyes glancing back at them, "I didn't say you were" Silvio chuckled under his breath, fuck I'm such a fucking idiot

Her eyes meet mine from across the hallway, She smirks and places her hand on his thigh while glancing back and forth between the both of us, She's teasing me again

I watched as she whispered something into his ear, my blood was heating up as he smirked and whispered something back, The more I watched the madder I felt

I overhear Silvio laugh behind me but it felt like a blur, Then suddenly he places his hand on her thigh "Fuck No"

I quickly pace up to them with a scowl on my face "What are you..." I gasp Adeline by the wrist and drag her out of the living room, "Let go of me!" She slams me back against the wall, "What are you doing?"

She frowned rubbing her wrist from my rugged grip, "What am I doing?" I chuckle pointing toward me "He just fucking touched your thigh" I grit my teeth getting in her face

"So what?" She shrugs and whispers leaning closer to my face, I didn't realize I was panting like a dog just ran a whole block

"No one is allowed to touch you but me"
"I'm not your fucking toy"
"I didn't say you were"
"You're treating me like one, You want me for your own pleasure,"

She grits her teeth gazing into my eyes like a siren, "Are you fucking kidding me, Adeline?" She stays silent as I raised my voice "I don't want you, I never wanted you especially not for pleasure" Her gaze softened and she took a step away

"Then why are you always flirting with me, Touching me..." "It's called teasing" I roll my eyes, She scoffs and chuckles beneath her breath

"Right...yeah okay" She rolled her eyes and then suddenly tried pacing away "Adeline!" I shout grasping her wrist but before I could draw her into me she aggressively yanks her wrist away from my touch


A few hours ago I informed everyone I was going for a 'midnight walk' as I'm actually going on a mission to kill a bastard, I was so mad after Nico told me he was just teasing me

And I'm madder at myself for not even crossing my mind, Every time we fought if it was bloody if it was an argument we always teased each other, There was always tension between us

And I didn't see that, I feel like an Idiot,

I changed into another outfit for the mission

Addies Outfit

I let my hair down and wore a black bandana to cover my mouth up to my nose, I walk out the mansion in the middle of the night and drive to the where he was meeting up

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I let my hair down and wore a black bandana to cover my mouth up to my nose, I walk out the mansion in the middle of the night and drive to the where he was meeting up

I hide behind the mansion and wait till he walks out, Once I saw him walking out with a duffel bag in his hands I reload my gun and aim it toward his head, "3...2...1" I pull the trigger and quickly turn my car on and speed away

Mission is a success,


I parked my car away from the park I'm sitting alone in, Staring up at the midnight sky while I feel the cold breeze hit me straight in the face

It's currently three in the morning, The not eI stayed here sitting alone it felt like I just escaped my cell, I felt free

I felt normal

It felt so fucking good, Just staring at the sky while you just killed someone, I never wanted this more

That when my moment got instantly ruined, I get someone presence, I quickly gaze my eye around the dark, I couldn't see a figure or anything but I felt them

I sit up and take my gun out my thigh and headed toward my car, carefully and cautiously being aware of my surroundings, That's when I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and kick a person straight in the stomach

I place my high heel in their chest but before I could speak they twist my leg causing me to trip, "You kill my sister!" Arden

He kicks me in the stomach then grabs me by the throat, His grip was tight way to fucking tight

He punches me in the face making my nose bleed, I let out a growl and kick him with both my legs and jump back into my legs, "You want me you can have me" I chuckle as he slowly gets back into his feet

"Sure" he smiles, Suddenly I feel a sharp pain, a really sharp fucking pain something I haven't felt before

blood spoiling from my mouth, "What did you do" I mumble glancing down at my stomach, A knife

A bloody knife

I glance back at him, "Thank you mother" he suddenly said that's when I feel her pull out the knife from my chest and shoved me to the ground

Everything was blurry, J tried to picture the other person, Short hair small between my height

She gave Arden a hug as I chugged blood from my mouth choking on it, "He finally got his revenge " she tears up wrapping her arms around his neck

I didn't fight the pain, I gave up, I stared up at the sky as I overhear a gun shot

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