Chapter 26

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Sonic could feel his body being lifted up and the warm rays of the sun gracing his figure, muffled chatter entered the blue ears of his while the bright sun that warmed his body was suddenly gone.

He could feel himself being lowered so instinctively he held onto the arm of the Mobian who he could tell stopped in place as if seeing if sonic had awoken from his slumber yet but he just began to snore his body seeming to relax in the other's embrace, the Mobian sighed and set the hero down on a soft bed that seemed to swallow him, slipping the shoes off, and lastly a warm blanket engulfing the hedgehog

Shadow sat on the bed were sonic slept just gazing over him and his chest started to, feel 'weird?'

Shadow massaged his chest furrowing his brows the feeling was a little overwhelming but didn't know what to do about it so he dismissed it as just being the pain from when he fell off that cliff or from the fight with metal, and literally any other time he got hurt but he didn't feel any pain if anything it felt.. kinda nice, ever since he got into this mess with having to switch bodies with the blue idiot he's gone soft 'i haven't gone soft it's just because of the agreement' though he doesn't want to admit it "tsk" shadow shot up stomping towards the door and grabbing the door nob and paused he swung his head back to look at sonic one last time before he left the room shutting the door quietly behind him.

He was then met with the little kit "h-hey shadow" tails said awkwardly "hello Miles" shadow responded flatly "oh you can just call me tails" there was a solid minute of silence and tails started to feel even more awkward, shadow too felt the awkwardness but didn't let it affect him "so.." tails said trying to bring up conversation "so?.." shadow repeated then another silence waved over the two

"Uh shadow would you like to stay over- that is if you want to" was the only thing the two tailed fix was able to come up with and he also just assumed the other was tired after the long day

Shadow thought about it, yes he wanted to go home and sleep every thing off but he couldn't not when he cant even be a feet away from Sonic without his head feeling like it's gonna split in half "ok I'll stay" shadow replied "alright then you should get some rest, I'll just get straight to work to find that cure so if you need anything I'll be in the garage" tails turned to walk back down the stairs to get to the garage but shadow felt he should stop him so he just spoke without knowing exactly why "hey tails" shadow said making the kit stop in his tracks "yes?" Shadow ended up spitting out the first thing that came to his mind "shouldn't you rest too, if anything you're the one that needs it most" tails stared confused about what shadow was implying.

"You've been trying to find the cure for days on end and you haven't stopped to take a rest and not to mention now that Eggman cant help you have to work alone so you'll need the energy so you don't pass out from exhaustion or being sleep deprived" shadow said tails was speechless he just stared blankly at shadow as he continued "i also don't even know what happened once we split up i had just found you unconscious in Eggmans secret base with thousands of destroyed robots, for all i know thats the only time you've slept since all this had started i mean whatever had happened really worn you out to fall asleep in such a vulnerable situation" shadow said the serous tone of shadows voice making tails look down, upset about being scolded

"Im sorry I didn't mean to i just wanted to let you have everything back to normal as quick as possible, it must be difficult having live as someone else" tails said holding his hand together still staring at the floor

Shadow sighed "you don't have to find the cure right away" shadow ruffled the little foxes bangs "me and faker can wait your still growing and your health is more important than this"

Those words reminded tails that this wasn't actually his brother but his words and actions completely fooled him 'he's just like sonic' tails smiled brightly "thank you shadow, i guess i really have been a bit careless" tails laughed nervously his awkwardness long gone "you're welcome now don't let me stop you go get some sleep"  shadow said tails nodded yawning "ok then, good night shadow" tails waved stepping away from the stairs and to his bedroom which was right next to sonics "good night" shadow responded waving back until tails door was closed.

He was heading down the stairs until he realized something 'what just happened!?' Yup he had most definitely gone soft

Shadow continued to walk as he fought with himself internally though he doesn't like the idea of him being all nice helping tails felt right plus he might be a genius but he's still eight and he needs just as much rest as a normal eight year old

Shadow collapsed himself on the couch just deciding to go to sleep that always cleared his head


Shadow woke up to a painful pounding of his head he thought he would throw up by just standing up "shadow" sonic called sounding nauseous he sighed and gripped onto the couch pulling himself up meeting the tired sonic at the bottom of the stairs to be honest they both looked horrible "you too?" Shadow asked sonic nodded his head but the motion made him dizzy and he started to!

Shadows eyes widened as Sonic covered his mouth "don't throw up right here!" Shadow put his hands over sonics mouth too and magically he no longer needed to puke and it was kinda as if they no longer felt sick sonic took his hand off his mouth wondering what happened and shadow wondered the same thing keeping his hands on top of the others, until it hit them "aw man" sonic said "so the distance has shortened, but isn't this a little much" shadow retorted "aw man!" Sonic repeated 'this sucks i felt three times sicker than before!?'

"I just wanna sleep" sonic groaned shadow rolled his eyes and dragged the sonic to were he was originally sleeping there was no way he walking up all those stairs in this condition

Shadow laid down letting go of sonics hand but sonic still held onto his shadow wondered why he was still just standing there and looked to question him but sonic crawled onto the couch too resting his head on shadows chest, shadow wanted to yell at the other and push him to the other side of the couch but he didn't have the energy so he just kept quiet and gave in falling comfortably right to sleep.

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