Alternate History: Resistance Universe Pt.2

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(A/N: This is the last one. Also, They're will be no cold war in resistance universe. It's just an alternate history from the underrated PS3 Game, So yeah)




1953: The assault started at 8:30 am on July 4th, 1953. Black Ops Companies led a ground and air assault, whilst the rest of the American forces traveled underground, advancing up the Lexington Avenue Line. The Black Ops immediately encountered heavy resistance as about one hundred Goliaths and Stalkers defended the main entrance, the Chimeran machines inflicted heavy casualties by downing many of the U/AV-17 Hawk VTOL's and C-130 Hercules whilst destroying the M-12 Sabertooth tanks[5] that accompanied them. The Black Ops could no longer continue and had to fall back.[6] Meanwhile the Chimera engaged the rest of the American forces as they passed under 35th Street but the Hunter Drones were easily dealt with. The American forces continued on the tunnel until one of the Tower's metal roots blocked the tunnel. The forces climbed up onto the nearest tube platform and rushed up the stairs to discover an entrance to the Tower. The Humans and Chimera engaged heavily in the Tower's lobby before the Americans managed to push through and reach the lifts. Once on they attempted to skip most of the Chimeran defenses and head straight to the control room, however, the Chimera disabled the lifts spilling the American forces onto a circular platform that had a walkway which spiraled up the tower. This walkway was festering with Chimera who were charging down it engaging with the Americans and creating a bloodbath. Although the Americans were armed with heavy resistance arsenal such as the HVAP Wraith, V7 Splicer and L11-2 Dragon, they were no match for the Steelheads, Ravagers and Drones that quickly diminished the American forces who tried to retreat but were overwhelmed.

Out of all the American forces that entered the Tower. Only the organizers, Dr. Fyodor Malikov, President Thomas Voss and a few of their bodyguards: Captain Marvin Kawecki, Privates Mason and Rigg survived and fled New York.

Black Ops Companies that had fell back earlier were now being hunted by the Chimera who successfully managed to eradicate many of those who were unfortunate to stay in or so close to New York.


195?: A terraformer is a massive Chimeran orbital weapon that creates strong weather patterns akin to a hurricane and design in drastically changing Earth's environment in order to make it hospitable for Chimeran existence. Terraformers are at least 10 kilometers in height as one is seen to tower out of the Earth's atmosphere.

 Terraformers are at least 10 kilometers in height as one is seen to tower out of the Earth's atmosphere

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Post-1957: Following the events of Operation Black Eden, by 1957, 90% of the human population were killed or converted in the conflict and any sense of a united military resistance to the Chimera was hopelessly non-existent, except for certain pockets of human survivors who were forced into a guerrilla war in an effort for survival. The Chimera were the dominant force on Earth. Without the need for human hosts for conversion as their virus can now be cured by the Hale Vaccine, and humanity is rendered to near extinction, the Chimera began an extermination campaign in wiping out the remaining 10% of the human race and furthered that by initiating a terraforming operation to cool Earth into a harsh, colder environment, from utilizing the tower network powered by the wormhole.

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