Chapter 7: The Allies & United Earth Alliance Pt.1

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Radio Adrian Cronauer: GGGOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD MORNING FALMART!!!!! Hey, This is not a test. This is rock 'n' roll. Time to rock it from the delta to the DMZ. Is that me, or does that sound like an Elvis Presley Movie? Viva Da Nang. 🎶 Oh, Viva Da Nang. Da Nang me, Da Nang me, Why don't they get a rope and hang me🎶 Hey, is it a little too early for being that loud? Hey, Too late.

It's 06:00. What's the "O" Stand for? Oh, My god, It's early. Speaking of early, How about that Cro-Magnon Marty Dreiwitz? Thank you marty, For "Silky-Smooth Sound." Make me sound like peppy lee...

[GATE: Thus JSDF Fought there Opening]


Location: Valkyrie Hill, USAF Military Base.

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown military trucks arrived in the base. The USAF Soldiers unload the bunny tribes peoples after been taken by the saderan army as slaves. The USAF Medic treated their wounds, Ever they're used the med energy for healing.

The Warrior Bunnies Thank them for saving them. Tyuule was happy to see her people returning. But it's not over yet, The USAF Started raiding any slave trade around the special region. Saving all the slaves from the empire and cripple the imperial economic. They're even send stealth units to free the slaves and sabotages the slave businesses across the region.

The Saderan Empire......... Has become the targeting of the USAF. Destroying their infrastructure, slaves business and the gaining alot of territories. Rumors about the men in green and their monstrous machines as spread like wildfire and many wanted to know about them.


Location: The Saderan Empire, The Capital

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown the capital of the saderan empire. Inside the building, We see an adult man named Marquis Casel.

Marquis: My lord, The invasion of the gate was embarrassment of the imperial army

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Marquis: My lord, The invasion of the gate was embarrassment of the imperial army. 60% of our troops are now gone, Even I heard reports that the prince zorzal and his army have also failed to attack the warriors bunnies tribe and they're were taken captives. Including the prince too.

The senators were mumbling or whisper to each other about the situation. Even senators heard that otherworlders have attack the slave city and other parts of the region. Emperor Molt was silent, after hearing the news of the failed gate and his zorzal was taken. He fears that the vessels states will rebeled against the saderan empire.

GATE: Fall of man (GATE X Resistance: Fall of Man)Where stories live. Discover now