Chapter 1: Battle of New York

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(Resistance 3 Opening)

(GATE: Thus JSDF Fought there Opening 1)


Location: United States of America, New York City.

3rd Person Pov

The Imperial with 100,000 Soldiers and other 25,000 Creatures attack NYPD in the new york. The imperial with full forces pushed through the main streets. But the NYPD Officers and SWAT Units able to make a defenses line.

NYPD Officer 1: *Killing the imperial soldier with a M5A2 Folsom Carbine* HOLD THE LINE!!!! DON'T LET THEM GET THROUGH!!!!

NYPD Officer 2: *Killing the imperial soldier witn a Shotgin* Where the hell is the national guard!

However, One of the imperial archer released an arrow and hit one of the NYPD Officer on the arm.

Imperial Officer: *Smirk* Pushed forward! This barbarians will been defeated by our might!

As the imperial soldiers with large forces changed forward, An explosions killed a larged group of imperial as the officer of imperial were killed. The NYPD officer and swats were surprised and shock by this, Until they look back and see the National Guard Units arrived.

USAF National Guard Units 1: National Guard Have Arrived!

NYPD Officer 3: *Relief* Thank god! The National Guard are here!

USAF National Guard Units 2: *Looking the dead imperial* Who the hell are these guy? They're look human, But I can't their senses their newtype abilities.

USAF National Guard Units 3: Whoever this guys are, They're ain't newtypes! Come on, Let's move and take care of the rest!

Meanwhile in the Sky

The scene shown, The imperial wyverns search for anyone in the city. They're were amazed about the tall building stretching in the heavens.

Imperial Wyvern Rider 1: Amazing, This tall buildings were higher than the saderan capital!

Imperial Wyvern Rider 2: Whoever this savages, We must kidnap them and force them to build our own tall building nations.

But, They're saw something on horizon. They're saw a larged fortress appeared out of nowhere, Which shock and horrified the imperial wyvern rider.

 They're saw a larged fortress appeared out of nowhere, Which shock and horrified the imperial wyvern rider

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