Izuku Midoriya- NSFW Alphabet

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A- Aftercare

Izuku is very good at this. He bathes you and cuddles with you and treats you like the prince you are. 

B- Body Part

Loves his hair and his freckles, and loves your face and your hair because he likes to play with it.

C- Cum

Is scared to cum in you, so its typically on your stomach or back.

D- Dirty Secret

Wants to be tied up or something, he's super into that, he's just scared to tell you.

E- Experience

None :) My mans a virgin when you meet him.

F- Favorite Position

He doesn't know what a position is. He's just like "Uhhh idk i like being on the bottom."

G- Goofy

Cracking a joke makes him nervous about what he's doing if he's on top, but if you're on top, make as many jokes as you want.

H- Hair

He's well shaven down there, and he doesn't do no hair pulling or any of that, though you have thought about what would happen if you pulled HIS hair

I- Intimacy

Izu-Chan gets VERY intimate and it's the cutest thing. He's the sweetest thing when he just wants to love on you and hug you and kiss you.

J- Jack-Off

He's too scared too. And honestly, he doesn't think he knows how. You'd have to, as weird as this sounds, teach him ig.

K- Kinks

He doesn't know what a kink is. Let's face it. He'd come up to you and be like 'Puppy what's a kink and why does Kacchan keep calling us kinky?"

L- Location

His or your bed. Too nervous to do it anywhere else, though maybe the bathroom if he's feeling brave.

M- Motivation

What? :D

N- No

Won't hurt either of you, and won't do anything in public.

O- Oral

Gives hella good head, but he's like "i feel like this is wrong" and you're like "nO iZZY I PRoMiSe iT'S noT-"

P- Pace

Medium. Not too fast. Starts off slow, but speeds up, and goes actually pretty fast when he's climaxing.

Q- Quickie

Even if he knew what it was, he'd never have the desire to have one.

R- Risk

Won't take any risks. Especially not with the teachers or Kacchan, so, like, sex life stays in his or your room. Sometimes he's even scared to do it in the dorms because he's scared of the teachers finding out.

S- Stamina

2-4 rounds. He says he can't go on longer and then goes on for like 2 more hours.

T- Toys

He doesn't know what toys are much less has any. If you have one/want to use one, you have to teach him how to use it.

U- Unfair

Noooo he'd never do that to his puppy! He's so nice to you during sex, he does exactly as told. Probably because he's a massive sub.

V- Volume

VERY LOUD. You have to put a gag in his mouth if you don't want to get caught.

W- Wild Card

The first time he climaxed, he freaked the fuck out because he had no idea what the fuck was going on. He was like "EVERYTHING'S GETTING HOT AND I'M TWITCHING AND- STOP- STOP- I DON'T- WHAT'S HAPPENING- AHHHH-" And then after he was like "can you make that happen again? That felt hella good..." 

X- X-Ray

7.3-7.5 and not too thick, but not skinny.

Y- Yearning


Z- Zzzs

Makes sure you're all cleaned up first and gives you your goodnight kisses and snuggles, then he'll go to bed.

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