Dom!Oboro- Shota's Boy

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I did a super-special character for 150 views! Hope you all like it!
While Shota is in Thailand for college, Oboro Shirakumo, you guys' roommate, is given permission to "fuck 'im hard if he gets out of hand." So yes, the reader is Shota's boy, as the title implies, but Oboro has COMPLETE PERMISSION to do what he does.

TW: Praise, bondage, on FaceTime for part of it

"Going through my stuff?" Oboro put his head on your shoulder. You pressed the phone against your chest and shook your head violently. He chuckled and gently moved your hand away to reveal the texts you were looking at. He took his phone and pressed a few buttons. "Hey, Sho!" He greeted his friend. "Nah, he's doing fine. A little... hmm... bad, but fine. Dunno- dunno what that means?" Oboro laughed to himself. "Naughty." His gaze flickered over you for a second. You felt yourself heating up. "Not you, Sho-chan, Y/N!" He elaborated. Shota must have thought Oboro was calling him naughty.

"So what exactly do I have permission to do?" Oboro asked. You knew he was thinking about Shota giving him permission to have sex with you if you got needy when he was away. Oboro chuckled at something Shota said. "Okay... mmhmm... and?.... alright... Okay. Bye, Shota-chan! That's all I wanted to ask! Love you!" A moment of silence, "Yes, platonically, I know you have a boyfriend. He's sitting right in front of me." Oboro put a hand on his hip, and hung up.

"He says I can do whatever you want me to do."

"Whatever I want you to do?" You asked.

"Is that not the way Shota does things?" Oboro cocked his head. You explained how Shota did whatever he wanted to do, but he always made sure you consented to it. And you were fine with that, and you and Shota were happy, and you loved him with all your heart. Oboro seemed to think things in a relationship should be a little different.

The man in question pursed his lips, "Yea, things are going to be a little bit more different with me. What do you want me to do?" 

"Uhm..." You thought. You never really thought of the question before. "I want you to do what you want to me." 

Oboro laughed. "No, baby!" He licked his lips and climbed on top of you, getting really close to your ear and he whispered in it, "What do you want me to do?" His hand gently pressed and palmed your heat.

You grunted, "Shirakumo-"

"That's it, baby, tell me what you want."

"Oh, fuck, fuck me already!" 

"There we go." He said, latching his lips onto your neck. He hungrily removed both of your clothes, tearing and clawing at your skin as you moaned in his ear. "I love the sound of that." He said, creating a cloud and propping your head up on it. He shuffled out of his pants and undergarments and climbed on top of you again, putting his forearms on either side of your head.

"What do you want me to do, again?" 

"Fuck me, fuck me hard!" You whined, rubbing your legs together to get some friction.

"Good boy." Oboro smiled. He kissed your tip and slowly inserted himself in you. "Y'know, Sho was home, I think I'm going to call him." He said, and grabbed his phone from beside him. "Sho, look at your boy!" He said, rocking slowly into you.

"Speed up." Shota demanded, and from the tone of his voice you could tell he was aroused. "And show me his face."

"Allllllright." Shirakumo said, doing just that.

Shota groaned, and you managed to choke out a "Hi, Sho-chan~" 

"Hi, kitty. Couldn't wait, could you?"

"No, I just couldn't wait, Sho!" You played along with his game. "Does that make you want to fuck me? Does that make you want to fuck your little kitty?"

"Yea, it does. Shirakumo, speed up. I like to see him shake up and down." 

"Fuck, Sho-chan," Oboro said, speeding up, jackhammering into you. "I didn't know you're kinky like that."

"You know what he loves?"

"No, but I'd love to~" Oboro moaned. 

You heard the zipper of Shota's pants and heard him moan as he started jacking himself off. "He- fuck- he loves to be tied up- fuck, kitty-"

"Oh, yea? Both of y'all kinky." Oboro noted. He grabbed your hands and held them above your head, the other hand filming your face.

"I'm- gonna- Fuck- Shirakumo-"

"Let me watch him cum." Shota demanded.

"Yessir." Oboro showed him your cock, which twitched and throbbed.

"Tell him no."


"Like this: You can't cum yet, kitty. Be a good boy." 

"Fuck- Sho-" Oboro thrusted harder into you. "Seeing you work yourself is- fuck- so- it makes me wanna cum. I think I will."

He released into you, his whole body giving one final twitch.

"You can cum now, kitty."

You squirted your seed all over Oboro, who lapped at his own thighs and chest to lick all of your cum off of him.

"Fuck- Oh- Fuck- Fuck- Shira- kumo- Y/N- Y/N- FUCK- KITTY-" With a final grunt, Shota's breath became heavy and slow and his erotic movements stopped. Something about watching his boyfriend and his best friend cum on each other was appealing to him.

Oboro released his grip on your hand and gave Shota a nice view of you two making out. His delicate lips danced on yours, and he wasn't as rough and demanding as a horny Shota. His tongue neatly collided with yours and he didn't shove it in your mouth- no, he let his tongue swirl and slide along yours.

"Fuck, you two." Shota breathed. "Well, I'm going to go take a shower. You definitely call me again. I could get used to this."

"Don't get too used to it!" You said.

"Oh, no kitty, I won't. I'm still gonna love to be cock-deep in you." 

Oboro raised his eyebrows and mouthed, "What are you two so damn kinky for?"

Might do this with Denki and Shinso.... Still thinking on it.

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