
867 27 193

Word count: 3080
This chapter was written 18.03.2023

Harry Edward Tomlinson:

Finding yourself, the role you are fitting, can be a race for someone, but a long and slow walk for others. It takes time to figure out your limits, your interests, and most importantly, your identity. However long it takes, it will be the most necessary road of life you walk.

"Thank you for coming over to watch Aster Anne" Louis thanks my mother. Tonight, is the day Zayn and Louis has been looking forward to for weeks. The training of submissives.

"I've been waiting for this to happen, took you long enough" she says.

"I would've called you way earlier if your son would've let me. I promise to do it much more often now, don't we Harry?" Louis asks, making me roll my eyes. What parent would want to leave their child for the day? I want to spend every minute of my day together with my son. Before we know it, he is all grown up, a teenager who don't want to spend a minute together with me.

"Have much fun tonight and be as late as you want" mom tell us, making me blush. A mother is not supposed to indicate that we are going to be doing the dirty. Louis laughs at my reaction, and gently push me along towards the entry. He hands me the shoes and the jacket he would like me to wear. He and Zayn has of course decided that only the dominants and single submisisves will get information on what the submissive training course will consist of.

As I get out the front door my gut feels bad for leaving our son behind. "Come on Harry, he is safe and well together with your mom. Tonight, it's going to be just the two of us, as the old days" Louis says planting a kiss at my forehead. I nod my head and get inside the car. Louis pulls into the traffic. I wriggle nervously around in my seat.

"Can I know some of what's going to happen please?" I respectfully ask Louis, who is focusing on the road with his eyes, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and the other handing around loose. He senses my nervousness and use the free hand to rub circles on my knee.

"When we arrive the club you will find your way into the submissives changing room, then you will prep and have something light to eat together with your friends. Guidelines of dressing and rules will be there. You guys get one and a half hour to get ready, while we dominants hang out. When your time is up you will all kneel down at the floor in the show room. Then the training will start, different activities. Some of them might be easy for you, having been a submissive for a while, but some might be harder because I haven't used them much, or because you tend to forget it's a part of your role" he explains. I breath out relieved to know a little about what is going to happen.

"But I will be able to colour out right? And you will help me then? I don't want some random dominant to give me care because you are teaching"

"Of course, you can colour out on any time. If you colour out I will absolutely do my best to be the one helping you baby. But be aware that there are going to be some single submissives at the training, in addition to submisisves that don't have their dominants present. So, me, Liam and Zayn might have to give care to other submissives as well" he informs me, and while I'm not happy with the thought that Louis might have to cuddle someone else to help them, I don't want to ruin the night by arguing with Louis about this. I nod my head and keep the bad thoughts inside my head.

"Any other questions before you leave the car?" he asks as we have parked outside the club.

"Will there be punishments?"

"No submissive will be punished during the training course, it's training and needing some time to get it right will be okay. But disrespect towards other submissives or dominants will not be tolerated, as well as poor language. If this happens the dominants will have to decide when and if their submissives deserves a punishment for their actions" he explains. Well Louis I wanted the answer to what's going to happen if I need to be punished, not about everyone else.

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