》Chapter 3《

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Current date: 11/8/1899

Its been about a week since Arthur's bitten me. I've been avoiding him like he's the plague. I needed time and space to just sort of reorganize my thoughts.

I was down in the kitchen doing the dishes. I've gotten pretty used to Sebastian bombarding me with chores. It really wasn't uncommon at this point.

I sighed. As much as this was a pretty okay job, I didn't exactly know if it was my forté. I worked as a waitress on the sidelines while working on my writing career, that way I could pay rent, by groceries, and all that jazz.

I placed the last dish on the drying rack, and dried my hands off. "I dearsay, whats got your head in an array of knots?" I heard a voice I knew all to well ask me. "Its nothing big, and even if it were, you would be the last person I'd tell my issues to." I told him bluntly. "I should get going, I need to start folding laundry." I continue, quickly packing up my things and getting ready to walk away. "Hey, wait a minute!" He said quickly following after me.

"Alright, I understand you're still upset with me over the whole biting situation, so I came to apologize to you." He told me. "Oh yeah, because "I'm sorry" is gonna fix this." I said with sarcasm walking up the stairs. "Please, just hear me out." He told me, standing in front of me. I sighed and let out a 'fine'. "I recognize what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have done that to you, especially not without your consent, so I want to make it up to you." He told me. His words sounded so genuine, so I nodded, signaling for him to go on. "Which is why you're going out with me today!" He said cheerfully. "Wha- wait, Arthur, I still have laundry to do!" I said. Did I even get a say in this? "I already informed Sebastian, dear, come along!" He told me, linking his hand with mine.


"Honestly, I'm quite surprised you didn't get that dress, you looked stunning in it!" Arthur told me as we left yet another store empty handed. "Oh I know, it was beautiful, but I feel bad when someone buys stuff for me." I tell him. "Darling, this is my treat to you! If you like something, don't hesitate to tell me." He told me, taking me with him to another store.

"Wait a sec, what's that place?" I pointed to what looked to be a bar. "Oh, you mean the local tavern!" He chipped, quickly bringing me towards it. He brought me inside, and what I was met with was a lively place. People were talking, and laughing, and just overall having a good time.

"Holy shit.." was all I could say. "Ah, English, you're here quite early!" A bartender says. "It appears so, old chap. My guest here wanted to see what was in here." Arthur told the man, motioning me foward. I waved to the man, my smile seriously half assed.

"Ah there you are, monsieur!" A woman squealed as she threw herself around Arthur. "So...I take it you're a regular around these parts?" I ask him, the attention that was being brought to him not going unnoticed. "You could say that." He said, his smile very prominent.

"Alright well...you enjoy sucking up to the attention, I'm gonna go look around, okay?" I asked him. "Alright!" He said, before going back to enjoying himself.

I looked around. This place was so...amazing, truly. It was definitely a place I wanted to work at. I tapped a guy on the shoulder. "Hey, do you mind if I speak to your manager?" I asked him. The man had long sandy blonde hair that had been placed in a bun, his eyes were green, and he adorned a pair of glasses. "Yeah of course." He told me. He too apparently had a brogue because DAMN that man had a audible British accent. He turns over his shoulder and yells for the manager.

The man came out, and oh my god when I tell you he looked like the nicest man on Earth. He had a bald head, a bright smile on his face, and he was a little bit more on the heavier side. "This lady wanted to have a chat with you." The man told his manager. "Of course! Right this way mademoiselle!" The man told me, motioning for me to follow him.

"So what's up?" He asked me. "Oh I was just wondering, are you guys hiring by any chance?" I asked him. "Actually, we do need an extra bar tender on board. Whats your name, kid?" He asks me, his smiling only widening. "Oh, my name's Madison, and yes I do have experience with this kind of stuff, I was a waitress in my old job." I explained. "Congratulations, kid, you got the job." He told me, his hands clapped together. That was surprisingly easy. I thought.

He called for a lady. "This is Odette Elaine, she will be your trainer." He told me, his hand on Odette's shoulder. "Very nice to meet you mademoiselle!" She told me, holding her hand out for me to shake. "I'll have your uniform ready for you in the back by tomorrow, we just need to tailor them to your exact sizes." Odette told me.

I can't believe it.

I got the job.


"And it was that easy?!" Arthur asked me as we made our way back to the mansion. "Yeah! Can you believe it! I got the job!" I said. I was practically over the moon. I would do a thousand front flips right now if I could. "Madison, that's amazing!" He exclaimed, mirroring my excitement.

I felt like I was practically jumping out of my boots. "They said they needed me to come in early tomorrow to get my uniform tailored to my exact sizes." I told him, my smile still very prominent. "Ah yes, Alyona, the pub's tailor. I just know you'll love her." He grinned.

I had met my tailor before we left. Alyona was a Russian immigrant. She had long, wavey fiery orange hair, had a mid-size body type , hazel eyes, and pale skin. She was very nice to me and even told me how excited she was to work with me.

My trainer, Odette, was also very pretty. She had brown hair, green eyes, her face was dotted with brown freckles, and her pale complexion pulled her whole look together.

"They're gonna have me working the night shift. All the day shifts were filled, they just need another bartender for the night shift. Odette told me things should run a lot more smoothly withme on the team." I explained to him. "Oh, they also told me that I'd be starting like next week or so." I continued. I didn't even realize I was rambling to him.

"Ah, so it seems like you and I will be spending a lot more time together, poppet." He told me, nudging me with his shoulder. "Oh shut it, you." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "You know, when you're not being a flirtatious playboy, you're actually a pretty cool guy to be around." I told him, my smile creeping up on my face despite myself.

A/N: I am so sorry this one has such an abrupt ending I literally had no clue how to end this chapter😭

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now