》Chapter 7《

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Current date: 11/19/1899

"After that little show you put on back there, if we don't turn up successful in finding Alyona's missing fabrics, I'm never doing this shit with you again." I say, Alyona's shawl in hand. Arthur had taken her shawl as some kind of "token" that we'd return successful with her missing fabrics. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, my dear assistant, I can assure you we'll turn up successful." He replies, with the confidence of 1,000 men. "Arthur, do you even know where to look first?" I asked him, doubt written all over my face.

"No, but that's why we brought Vic!" He says. The dog barked back at him. "So like, you want him to sniff the shawl and then he'll use his nose to track down where the missing fabrics are?" I ask him. "Very clever, you are, Madison!" He tells me. I bent down, and held the shawl to Vic. He sniffed it for a few seconds and then stepped back, presumably ready to take us to the missing fabrics. "Alright, Vic, lead the way!"


Well no surprises here, her fabrics were stolen by a rival boutique that wanted to be just as if not more successful than Alyona. "Honestly, it amazes me what lengths people will go to for just a pinch of fame!" I said, the missing fabrics in hand. The cops had already been called on the culprit, so we left the scene, allowing law enforcement to do the rest. "So, you still doubt me, Madison?" Arthur asks me, a smug smile on his face. "Guess I don't have much choice but to believe you now." I said.

We made it back to her boutique, where Alyona was sitting anxiously. "Heyyyy, guess what we found!" I yell, holding the fabrics in the air. "Oh my, you found it! My missing fabrics!" She says, standing up and rushing over to take them from us. "Thank you both so much!" Alyona continues, a smile spreading across her face. "It appears that your fabrics were stolen by that rival boutique a few houses down." Arthur told her. "Ah, those damn fools. Doesn't surprise me though, they've always been after me ever since I started my boutique!" She tells us.

"You must let me return the favor somehow!" She says to us, her smile not fading. "Oh we don't need-" "I insist!" Well she seems pretty set on thanking us. "Ah, Madison, no need to feel guilty, we'll take the gift, Alyona!" Arthur tells me. I just simply nod. "Magnificent! I know just what to give you both! Right this way, please!"


We'd discovered while in there that there's a masquerade happening sometime next week, held by one of Comte's acquaintances...or something. "Are we going?" I ask Arthur as we enter the pub. "I see no reason why we shouldn't. It sounds fun!" Arthur tells me. Alyona had made me a beautiful blue ball gown for this masquerade. I mean, her clothes are such works of art it almost felt illegal for me to wear them.

"Alright, we'll talk more once my shift is over!" I tell him, walking to the back to go put on my uniform. "Hey, Odette..can I speak to you?" I ask her. She looks at me startled, like she had seen a ghost or something. "Oh..yeah..of course!" She stammers over her sentences. I take her hand, leading her to the back of the pub.

"So, what'd you want to talk about..?" She asks, her eyes not meeting mine. "You haven't been acting like yourself lately...is something wrong?" I ask her. The look she gave me made her look like a deer in the headlights, but she sighed, feeling defeated. "Yes...there is something wrong.." she tells me solemnly. "Please, tell me, Odette. I'm here for you." I tell her, placing my hands on her shoulders.

She sighs before explaining. "I'm married to a man named Marcél..and..when I first met him, he had such a gentle soul..he was so kind and caring...he wouldn't even hurt a fly..he was my highschool sweetheart. I married him, and well...as time went on, he sort of..changed. Oh, Madison, I can hardly even recognize him anymore! He hurts me, hs threatens me, he calls me names, but I can't even turn to the cops because he ALWAYS makes it seem like I'm the crazy one!" Her words spew out to me like a waterfall. Odette was damn near sobbing. "Oh, Odette..!" Was all I could say before pulling the girl into a hug. All she could do was just sob into my arms.

"Odette, I promise you, I will get you out of that house." Determination struck me. "How?! Everybody thinks I'm crazy, Madison!" She chokes through her sobs. "I don't know how, but whatever it takes, I am going to get you out of there." I told her. She looks up at me. "Do you truly mean that?" She asks me. I nod. "There now, dry your eyes, Odette." I say, taking a napkin and drying her teary eyes. She gives me a smile. "Madison, I am eternally grateful for you.." she tells me.

"You know there's a masquerade ball happening next week?"


A/N: Srry for the short chapter again💔

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