Chapter 2

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When I woke up from the bath my body was all wrinkly like an old lady. I wash body really quick so I can get out to drying myself. I am still so tired I'm ready to lay in my bed.

I go to the mirror to look at myself my face is so pale you would think I was dead too. I have dark circles underneath my eyes. My blue eyes that is always so shiny and bright are now a dark blue you can even see the sadness in them.

I brush my teeth and put my robe on I walk into my room so I can lay down on my king size bed. I was lost in thought with the chain of events that I didn't even realize my doorbell was ringing. I get up to get the door and Cody walks in without even saying hi. He just goes off on me, pacing back and forth in my living room.

Cody is a stripper just like us, he is also Megan's boyfriend they have been dating for over two years now I believe. He is very handsome he has a strong jawline and shriveled brown hair. It's not long or short he never likes to do his hair. He always says the lady's loves the messy look. He's slim but has muscles in all the right places. He also has a nice six pack which women tend to gawk at like he's a piece of meat.

Even though he stripped for random women and sometimes men, Megan was the only girl he had eyes for. She is all he ever talks about, or even thinks about but he did love her a lot I can you tell that much...

"What the fuck Molly why didn't you call me I thought we were friends. Megan dies and you can't even fucking call me". I snap out of my thoughts and stare at him not sure what to say. "Stop fucking staring at me and answer me Molly, fuck man who did this to her how could anyone kill her she's the sweetest girl I ever met." He says with a thick county accent.

"I don't know" was the only thing that came out my mouth. What was I suppose to say to him I didn't have all the answers I'm still in shock myself I mean I found her lifeless body on the floor. Just thinking about it makes me tear up.

He grabs me by the shoulders, one of his hands grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. His dark brown eyes mixed with anger and sadness stares back at me. "God dang it Molly what am I gonna do without her. Answer me Molly please for the love of Texas I need answers."

"I can't" I stammered. "I don't know what happened I found her like that, her lifeless body just there for the world to see." I tell him tears flowing down my face. He hugs me tight, and we both stay there for a minute just letting it all out. When we finally part he sits on my couch with his hands on his face.

"Fuck!" He screams. "I fucking loved her and now she's gone I hope that bastard whoever he is rots in hell." He says shaking his head in disbelief.  I hear my phone ring and look at it to see a random number. I go to the other room to answer it leaving Cody alone.

"Hello" I say.
"Hi this is officer Daniels is this Molly?" He asked.
"Yes this is she how may I help you?" I say.
"We would like for you to come into the station we have a few more question to ask you." He tells me. I say okay and we hung up. I go back to the living room to see Cody throwing things around.

"What the fuck Cody you're breaking my shit, what is wrong you." I yell.
"I don't give to shits it's your fault she's dead you damn tweaker" he says and starts walking close to me. I back up terrified of what he would do to me. My back hits the wall and he trap me with his arms. He slams his lips on mine, I tried to move my head, but he just kisses me harder.

I can smell the alcohol on his breath, he's definitely drunk. I dart my eyes around the room to see if there's any escape. My arms are pinned to the wall I tried moving them, but he just gripped me harder. The only thing I can think of was kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine. I bend my knees and knee him right in his family jewels. He falls to the ground groaning from the pain.

I grab my purse and keys, running out the apartment. I take the crisp fresh air in. Luckily, I don't live that far from the police station, so I decided to just walk there.

As I'm walking, I feel the cold breeze hit my legs. I look down and realize I have no shoes on and I'm still in my robe. Dammit now what am I supposed to do I can't go back home, and I can't enter the station like this.

Candy's house is a few blocks from me so I go there hoping she will let me borrow some clothes. She answers the door and let's me in. "Oh baby girl what happened to you." She says pulling me into a hug.

"Cody is drunk at my house he-he assaulted me." I tell her in tears.
She wipes my tears and grabs my hand. "Come on baby let's get you dressed." I nod my head following her into her walk-in closet. You would think it's another room with how big it is.

I grab a pair of black tights and an oversize hoody with a bear on it. She hands me her black and white vans; I slip them on since they have no shoelaces it's a lot easier to put on. We go into her bedroom and sit on her bed.

"I can't believe that bastard assaulted you, we should press charged the station is right around the corner." She says with a sigh.
"It's okay Candy he's drunk he didn't know what he was doing, plus after what he is going through, I can understand. Sometimes people who are hurting tend to hurt others especially when they are intoxicated." I say looking at her.

She smiles at me her white teeth showing. Oh, how her smile warms my heart. Candy has always been beautiful to me I've always been into her, but no one knows that not even Megan knew.  I am bisexual and proud, so I swing both ways but there's just something about her that draws me to her compared to other people. Maybe it's her kind heart or how gorgeous she is to me.

She has this natural tan to her that makes her grey eyes pop. She's also naturally pretty, her pink lips are full, and she this cutest button nose. She has these perfect breasts that she loves to flaunt around. Her hair is a dark brown almost black with pink highlights in, its wavy but when she curls it, it just enhances her beauty. Shes skinny but not boney and her ass is huge. You'd think she's a model with the way she looks.

I smile back at her and hug her wanting to feel her warmth. She kisses my head in a comforting way. I lift my head up to see she's staring at me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, is that lust I see in her eyes. She leans in and kisses my lips her hands sliding up my shirt to touch my breast.

I close my eyes allowing her to kiss me, our tongue playing with each other. She lays us down on her bed and I go on top of her never once breaking the kiss. She caresses my breast with her hands. I pull off the hoodie and she pop my breast in her mouth her tongue playing with my nipple. I slide my hands in her underwear and put three fingers inside of her. As I go faster, she moans telling me to go harder and bites down on my shoulder. She put her hands in my pants and does the same thing.

I take my hand out and lick my fingers tasting her juices. Then take hers out and taste my own. I rip her underwear off and go down on her. I start playing with her clit and she grips my hair hard moaning in pleasure. I go faster inside of her enjoying every bit of it. She moans loudly and all her juices burst inside of my mouth.

We lay in bed breathing heavily. I can't believe we just did that, that defiantly took my mind of things. I stare at the ceiling waiting for my breathing to go back to normal. I turn to my side to face her, and she does the same, with her grey eyes staring at me I can see the lust in her eyes still. I get closer to her our breasts touching each other.

She wraps her hands on my back and we both closes our eyes letting the darkness take over.

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