Chapter 4

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The police are now thinking it's a serial killer but they have no clues on who is doing it. Megan and Candy were loved by everyone the only family they got was us.

I'm not sad anymore but angry, angry that they were taken from me, angry that the cops are sitting by doing nothing. If they won't do nothing then I will.

The next few days I had a plan to find this son of a bitch and bring him or her to justice I just need to find clues.

I decided to start with Megan since she was the first. I found her diary underneath her bed and hid it in my room so the cops wouldn't find it. I found out someone has been stalking her for two weeks. She was terrified but didn't know who it was there face was always covered and they hid in the shadows.

She didn't even tell Cody because she didn't want him to get hurt. The last page she wrote before she died broke my heart she knew her time was coming.

         Dear diary,
The man that has been stalking me I saw him last night when I was walking home from work. He was hiding again in the shadows but this time he talked to me his voice was strange, it sounded fake like he was using a computer or a phone to mask his identity. His face was covered like always I couldn't even see his eyes he was faceless. He told me my time on earth is coming to an end soon. I'm scared for my life he said if I tell anyone he will kill everyone I love. When I went to go look for him he disappeared into thin air.Who is this man and what does he want with me...
I can't believe she didn't tell anyone not even me she hid this for two weeks. I wonder if Candy had the same experience as Megan did. I remember one time her telling me she kept a journal at home in her vanity. I decided to go to her house and look for it.

When I got to her house her door was unlocked so I entered it and started searching up and down I finally found it hiding in her closet and I started reading it.

             Hey journal it's me Candy shit hit the fan man. The guy who has been following me for a week threatened me for the first time. I can't believe he speaks I mean this fucker has been hiding in the shadows for awhile. I wish I got to see his face he's probably ugly or something I mean I don't know but he is strange he's built just like Cody too how crazy is that. Well I guess most men are built the same at least the ones I've met. He told me my time on earth is coming to an end ugh what a loser. Well alright journal talk to you soon. Byyyeeeee.
Fuck man the same guy said the same thing to her and why wasn't she afraid of him like Megan was, what is his obsession with strippers and could it be Cody. No it can't be it wouldn't hurt Megan he loved her. I got to get out of here before I get caught.

My phone rings I yelp in surprise shit that scared the living hell out of me. "Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Molly its sunshine sky hasn't been answering me for a few days now can you check up on her please. I would but I have no one to watch my kids." She asked.
"Yeah alright I will." I say and hung up.

I call an uber and give them the address to Sky's place. When I get there her door is locked but her window is open. That's strange as fuck.

I climb into the window and I look around her house I go to her bedroom and I find her lying naked there in her bed. Her arms are slit from her elbow pit to her wrist. Her wrist are bruised just like Megan and Candy. She also has bruises around her neck and inner thighs. Her white satin sheets are now covered in her blood. Her eyes is closed but her mouth is open and oh my god is her tongue missing.

This fucker really took her tongue what a disgusting piece of garbage. Since Megan and Candy both has diary's I wonder if sky did too. I start searching her house again before I call the cops and I also unlock her door so they think I came in through there.

I find her diary in her underwear drawer and hide it in my purse so I can read later. I call detective Daniel's and told him what happened he told me to wait outside and so I did.

Once the cops came they put caution tape all around and made me wait by the police car till they were done. Detective Daniels comes out and comes next to me both of us leaning on the car.

"Why do you keep finding these bodies ma'am what is going on here." He asks.
"I don't know detective my friend sunshine calls me and told me to check on sky that she hasn't heard from her in a while so I did. When I came the door was unlocked and I found her like that." I tell him.
"My oh my ma'am you are either the one doing this or your just one lucky lady but I will find out the truth. I'll have a officer get you home saftely." He says and sighs.

Once I'm home I take a hot bath and put some music on I open Sky's diary and start reading it.
       Dear diary, its march 20th
            I met someone today I'm not sure if he's a boy or girl there was face was covered I couldn't see there eyes either its like they had no face. There body was covered from head to toe they had a black hat on and then a hoodie over then a trench coat. Kind of strange if you ask I mean aren't they hot in that thing but whatever. I've seen following me around for a week now I figured it was just a obsessed customer from the club I didn't really think anything of it at the time. He/she were nice though they told me my blue hair is pretty when the street lights shine on it. There voice was kind of strange though I just couldnt put my finger on it what's also weird is this was the first time I saw them without them hiding in the shadows. They also told me my time on earth is ending soon whatever that means. Well I hope they are cute under all those clothes. Hehe okay diary got to go get ready for work now.
My goodness bless this girls heart she is so oblivious to everything. You'd think Sky was a hard punk rock chick from the color of her hair to the way she dresses. She's always been a little airheaded ever since she left her abusive husband a few years back.

Shes also been kind hearted even to the people who had hurt her she always forgave them and was kind to them afterwards.

All my friends are dying but still no clue on who's doing the killing. Who is he and what does he want. Why is he going after these girls and who is next on his list. I need to find out more I need answers. If only I knew someone in law inforcment to help me...

Wait my brother James he's a cop and he owes me for not putting his disgraceful ass in jail for what he did to me when I was 6. He also lives in my town I need to find him and fast before more girls are killed.

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