Untitled Part 12

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As I sit in front of Cody, angry at him for what he has done to me, he just stares at me with this smug look on his face. I just want to rip that smug look off his stupid, narcissist ass face. "Are we going to stare at each other all day or are you going to tell me why you killed all my friends you fucking prick." I say to him angrily.

"Oh, sweetie why such hate, can't you see we did it for you, I love you." He cackles. If only I had the witch here, she can put some spell on him. "So, you and James did it for me, I don't understand you killed my friends and your girlfriend for me. Why would you do that." I said.

"You don't get it do you, molly." He says to me. He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away. "don't fucking tough me dude. "Get to the point fuckface, I don't want to spend anymore here with you." I say folding my arms across my chest.

"Okay okay, it's a long story are you ready." He says, I move my hand to say continue which he does. "James and I met a few years back when I was bartending at Fantasy, he told me he has been looking for his long lost sister and heard she would be working at the club, when he told me your name I almost spat out my beer in his face..."

"You were drinking while bartending, oh my how am I not surprised." I said cutting him off.

"Do you want me to finish the story, because I have all day especially if you keep interrupting me." He says. I nod my head at him giving him the go ahead.

"When I pointed you out, you were dancing I saw him staring at you like you were his it was strange. I also always had a thing for you so him looking at you made me feel uneasy." He says to me.

"I thought you were in love with Megan? Or was that all lie too." I asked.

"I liked here but was never in love with her, she started looking at other guys after a while and never paid me any mind, I got angry one day and hit her, she just took it the beating, at some point James had stopped by the club again, he saw me heating her he liked it he told me to continue it turned him on. He jacked off while I beat her then afterwards came inside of her mouth. I don't know why we ended uo become friends, after that, we started to a thing where I would beat women and he would have sex with them. I told him I wanted more to scare then because I got tired of getting rejected especially from you and he agreed so we stalked them for two weeks, we took turns. Megan was our first kill it was someone else she didn't work at the club, but she was a hooker, I did the killing while he raped them after I killed them it felt amazing, that I even got turned by their dead corpse. They never talked to me or fought me it was amazing how it felt inside their cold lifeless body."

I was shocked like utterly and completely shocked. How sick can you be to do those things; I couldn't even speak of that's how disgusting it is. I got up and left without even saying another word. I went straight to the bathroom, and I started vomiting everything I had that day.

I wipe my mouth with my hand and wash my hands. I just can't believe it he tells me this story as if he has no emotions, no soul. How can he be so dead inside but have a beating heart? It just makes no sense. I need to leave this place and never come back.

I go straight home from prison and take a hit scorching shower. I just needed to rid me off the smell of him, just being in the same room as him, makes my skin crawl. I really hope Detective Daniels tells me they give him life in prison or the death penalty.

Jacob called me asking me on a date, but I declined. How can I face him knowing what I know now. How can I tell him I met up with the who made my life a living hell. He told me not to go, he told me to ignore him, that he isn't worth my time, but I didn't listen to him.

For the next few weeks, I ignored Jacob's call and just stay home. I felt depressed, something I haven't felt in a long time. I never thought I would end up like this again, crying every second from the pain I am in. at one point of my life I even thought of ending it all.

I used to have the club by my side, all my friends were there for me, they took all the little pieces that were broken and glued it back on. Now I have no one, there all dead and the one person who I thought I could trust the most in the world left me in foster care, instead of my father being there and protecting me from all the bad he chose to protect the monster instead.

I figured I could get my happily ever after with Jacob, but I just can't, I'm to broken for him. I am better off dead than alive. That's it I decided I'm going to kill myself once and for all. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went into the bathroom.

I let the water run till it was halfway then I got in. grabbing the knife tightly I start to slice my arm when...... 'ding dong' Someone rings my damn doorbell. Fuck who is here and what do they want. I get up angrily and wrap myself in a robe, I go to the answer the door and I hear Jacob voice on the other side. "Molly open up I have to tell you something." He says urgently.

"I'm busy I can't come to the door right now." I yell.

"Open up please trust me you would want to hear this." He says. I sigh and open the door. He walks into my apartment and sits on my couch. "We got a call from Cody today I guess the little visit you gave him a few weeks back made him start talking and I mean really talking. He told you the half-truth he told us everything he said you but there's more...." Jacob says out of breath.

"Spit it out already what did he say." I told him intrigued for some reason.

"Him and James weren't the mastermind behind all this, there is a third person, and he is the one who used them as puppet, he told us that your next on the list and this time puppeteer is getting his hands dirty just for you...." 


We are reaching the end of story, just one chapter left. I am hoping you are enjoying it so far thank you for taking the time to read it, please leave a comment letting me know what you think so far thank you again.

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