Chapter 7

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"Ahhhhhhh!" My whole body starts shaking in fear. I start touching my body from head to tie making sure I still have all my body parts. Holy shit that dream felt so fucking real.

I get out the bath and get dressed into tights and a oversize hoodie. I check the time and its still light out so I decided to check out the tattoo shops around here. I need to make sure it really is that guy from the club before I even go to the cops.

I put my black vans on and grab my purse and keys before leaving I check if everything is off then head out.

As I'm walking to the first tattoo shop close to my apartment I feel someone eyes on me. I turn out but no one is there.

"Your next" I hear a whisper near my ear. I turn around again and see a glimpse of a man hiding. His face is covered so I can't see what he looks likes. He's wearing all black even his hands are covered.

My heart starts pounding a mile a minute. I'm scared shitless what to I do he's the same man who killed my friends do I run or find out who he really is.

I start running as fast as I can without looking back. My heart is racing from all the running even my breathing is slowing down. Without paying attention I bump into someone and fall to the ground. I look up to see the faceless man standing over me.

He grabs me by the arm to get me up and covers my mouth with his hand. I start flailing around trying to get out of his hold. He holds me tighter which makes me angrier. He starts walking and then stops. I look around and noticed a car by us and the trunk is open.

He tries to put inside it but I continue moving around like a worm. He gets mad slapping me hard in the face with the hand he had over my mouth.

I noticed my back is to the car and he's in front of me his hand still over my mouth. I bite hard cutting straight through his glove. He removes his hand and starts shaking it while yelling in pain. "Fucking bitch now you've got me mad."

Taking advantage of his free hand I grab it and bite his finger right off. Blood starts gushing out everywhere even all over me. "Ahhhhhhhh my finger you bit my finger right off."

He takes grabs my head with his uninjured hand and slams it on the trunk door. He then pushes me in the trunk and closes it. I hear the car turn on a few minutes then I pass out from the pain.

I wake up to my head pounding. I look around to see where I am and I'm handcuffed to the bed naked. luckily my mouth isn't covered so I'm able to yell. I see someone in the corner of my eyes walking tours me. His face is covered but he is wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

I look at his hand to see where I cut the finger off but he has all 10 fingers. Okay either I didn't tear his finger off or this is a different guy and there's more then one serial killer.

"Hey beautiful I've been wanting to do this for a long time." He whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine and not in a good way.

He puts a piece of my hair behind my ear and kisses me there. He pulls his pants down and starts giving himself a hand job right in front me. "You like what you see baby" he says and winks at me.

I shake my head no and turn my head so I wouldn't look at him. "Come on look at me I dont bite why don't you open your mouth for me." He says and goes on top of me

"If you even come close to me with that I will bite." I spit at him. He just laughs and starts teasing my mouth with his dick.

"If you don't suck it I will have to drug you and make you suck it." He says. I shake my head no again and he gets up angrily stomping his feet out the room.

He comes back with a pill and shoves it down my mouth forcing me to take it. After a few seconds I start feeling strange I can feel my body but I seem like a whole different person. Without hesitation he shoves his penis in my month making me gag.

He starts moving his hips going in and out of my mouth. He cums inside and forces me to swallow his cum.

Still not finish with me he puts a condom on and goes inside of me. "You see my friend he likes fucking dead girls but me baby I love them alive I love the pain they feel oh baby it makes me hot" he says and takes my breast in his mouth. He plays with it for a little biting my nipple. He fucks me harder causing me pain.

I scream but it just makes him going even harder. He grabs me by the neck while he's pounding inside of me. All I can do is scream but no body hears me. "Do you want to see who I am before we kill you baby my friend wants to have you too." He says and licks my face.

I scrunch my face in disgust and close my eyes wishing this will end faster. He thrust inside of me one last time and then cums again.

After being satisfied he takes his mask off showing me his face. You've got to be fucking kidding me. That piece of shit really just raped me and then has the audacity to smile at me as if I enjoyed that.

"Your surprised around you, I can just tell by that pretty face of yours." He says and leans over to kiss my temple.
"Oh baby don't cry everything will be okay you won't even remember what happens since your this will be your last day on earth." He says wiping my tears away with his thumb.

Oh how I just want to smack that smug look right off his stupid face.

I scream at him to let me go or when I get out of here I'll rip his dick off and make him eat it. He just cackles and walks away leaving me alone.

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