Chapter 10

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I get up to check to see who's at the door. Detective Daniels is standing there shaking his head at me. "ma'am these men are here to protect and serve not be your toys." he said.

"Umm excuse me I can have sex with whomever I like for your information, plus he is protecting me in bed can't you see. I open the door wider so he can see the officer lying in bed with his pants down. "Now look how delicious he is can I please go back so I can at least get an orgasm after this shitty as day." I told him.

"ma'am you are one piece of work, but I didn't come here for that we went to the house where you said they kidnapped you, well they aren't there anymore but now that we know who it is we will continue to keep an eye out till we catch them" he says.

"What about me can I go back home." I said pleading.

"No sorry they are still out there you need to stay here to be safe." I cross my arms over my chest and walk back into the room. He calls for officer Jacob, but I just slam the door in his face and get back to the real fun.

I crawl on top of him and stick his penis in my mouth. "Who was that at the door, am I getting fired, do they know I'm in here with you." I ignored all his questions and just started pleasuring him. My tongue gliding over his head teasing him. He starts groaning in pleasure. I lick him like a lollipop, I start sucking him off. At first slowly then I go faster. I feel a warm liquid in my mouth, and I swallow. It's sweet, yummy.

"Now you've done my turn." he says flipping me over aggressively. I giggle enjoying this side of him. He pulls my pants down and shoves his fingers inside. He goes harder and faster, I let out a moan which just makes him go even faster. He takes his fingers out and puts it in my mouth making me suck his fingers.

I tell him I want him, which he of course agrees to. He goes inside of me which hurt at first from how big he is. I grab the sheets on the bed, as he goes harder and harder. He flips me over so now I'm on top. He starts grabbing my breast playing with them.

I start riding him moving my hips in sync with his, I go faster, which just makes him groan louder. At this point we were both moaning now, I'm sure the other officers could hear. I started getting closer to orgasm he grabs my hips making me go harder. we both cum and i fall to the bed breathing heavily.

I lay my head on his chest loving the feeling of comfort and security. We hear a commotion outside, which cut this, whatever this is short. he gets up fast and puts his uniform on, his gun on his hip.

 He tells me to stay here and head out to check what is going on. I put my clothes on quickly and sat back down. 5 minutes have past, he still hasn't come back. I look out the window to see Cody standing over dead bodies. Fuck he killed the cops outside.

I hide under the bed hoping they leave soon or that the cops killed them. How the hell did they even find me, I thought no one knew where I was. 

I hear the door open and someone walking into the room. I close my eyes and cover my mouth, so they don't hear my breathing. Tears start rolling down my face, terrified they will find me and kill me.

I remember I had the voodoo dolls the witch has gave me, they are in my bag in the living room. How the hell am I going to be able to get it if there are out there looking for me. Shit what am I going to do now, the only way to stop them is those dolls. Fuck it I'm risking it.

I look under the bed to see if there is anything I can use. I see a bat and grab it, I slide under the bed making sure the coast is clear. Luckily whoever came into the room came out when they didn't see me.

I lean my back on the door holding the bat up, I check to see if anyone is there, then I continue on. I checked the other rooms, but no one was there. I peek through the living room, officer Jacob is laying on the floor, looks like he was shot but I can't tell where, he is still alive though because his chest is moving up and down.

The other officers are dead though they are laying there lifeless. I don't see James or Cody anywhere. I see my bag on the couch, I run to it grabbing the dolls out of the bag. "Oh, there you are sis." I hear behind me.

I turn around to see James standing there with a smug look. "don't come any closer." I say gritting my teeth. I hold up the doll and poke the arm with the pin. James screams in pain and tries to grab me. I stomped on his foot hard and ran to the bathroom. I lock the door hoping that will buy me sometime.

I started playing with dolls, making them move and putting pins on them so they can feel pain. I can hear there pain in their voices when they start screaming. I heard sirens close by which made me breath a lot better knowing there are more cops coming.

*Bang, bang* "Come out and play with us, we won't bite I promise." I hear on the other side of the door. I slide down the door, making myself into a little ball. "Come out I just want to play" I hear again.

"Come out with your hands in the air" I hear through a loudspeaker. I lean my head on the door to see if he is still there. I don't hear James anymore which means he either went outside or....

'Thwack, thwack' What the fuck. I stand up to see an axe going through the door. James peeks his head through the door and smiles creepily. "here's James" he says. Is he really referencing pyscho the movie I guess he fits the part since he is a real life pyscho.

"Leave me alone, the cops are here there is no escaping them." I say to him.

"Oh, how wrong you are." I feel my hair being pulled and my head slamming against the door. Blood starts trickling down my face. He stops slamming my head and just stands there. he lets go of my hair and falls to the ground.

I get out of the bathroom to see James's laying on the floor in a pool of blood. He has an axe on his back. He starts making gargling sounds, blood coming out of his mouth. I step on his stomach the axe going even deeper in his back, I watch as the life slowly goes out of his eyes.

Officer Jacob grabs me, taking me away from the scene and takes me outside. Cody is handcuffed in the back of a cop car. He smiles at me which makes shiver goes down my spine and not in a good way but a creepy as way.

"I'm not sure what is going to happen after this, but I hope you find peace knowing these bastards will be in hell for the rest of their lives." Jacob says to me. He bends down since I'm short and kisses my forehead.

"Hey what's your number, maybe we can get some dinner some time." I yell as he's jogging away from me. He just turns around and smirks at me. 

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