Chapter 6

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Opening my eyes slowly I look around at my surroundings wondering where I am. I hear a machine next to me beeping and I'm laying on an uncomfortable bed which is hurting my back. I am wearing a hospital gown, and a white blanket is covering my legs.

The door opens and the doctor walks in he's wearing blue scrubs and a white coat. He has wrinkles all over his face and he has pure white hair. He smiles at me showing his yellow teeth.

"How are you feeling, you've been out for a while." He says looking at my medical chart.
"My head is pounding." I croaked.
"I will tell the nurse to come give you medication for the pain and get some rest I'll be back later to discharge you." He says and leaves closing the door behind him.

I close my eyes thinking about everything that's been happening for the past week. I have a few clues now which is a good thing, the guy I saw he definitely worked out his thighs looks strong like he can crush you just from squeezing you with it. That tattoo though on his though I never seen something like that before I wonder if any tattoo parlors around here had a customer request something like that.

Who the hell is behind that mask and why is he doing this. It's strange though because each killing was different I'm not sure how sunshine died it could be from strangulation or because he chopped her damn ear off.

Either way I need to find this fucker before he kills anyone else this is the fourth girl and I'm pretty sure I'm next on the list since I was a witness.

Lost in thought I don't realize someone comes in until I hear there voice. I open my eyes to see who it is and furrow my eyes in confusion.

"Cody? What are you doing here." I asked in confusion.
"Hey Molly I work here during the day I'm a nurse I came to give you meds for your headache and discharge you." He says and hands me ibuprofen for my headache.

I noticed a scar on his arm it looks so familiar but I just can't remember where I had seen it before and why haven't I ever noticed it before I mean I've seen him naked numerous times on stage and when I've walked in on him and Megan.
*snap, snap* "Earth to Molly are you in there." I look up to see Cody snapping his fingers in my face.

I swat his hand away from my face and gulp the two pills without water. I tell him I'm ready to go home so he gives me the discharge papers   and says he calls me a uber so I can get home.

Once the uber is here he is waiting outside leaning on his car. I opened my mouth in shock I'm surprised a fly didn't go inside. He is the same guy I gave a lap dance to a while ago. He's wearing cargo pants so I can see his leg and oh my those legs they look just like the guy I saw who killed Sunshine and he has the same freaking tattoo.

"Hey your Molly right from the club Fantasy." He says and opens the backseat for me. I nod my head and nervously go inside to scared to even talk.

The whole car ride home it was deadly silent. All you can hear is the music in the car and the sound a car makes when driving. I stared out the window the whole time, I glanced at him a few times and I noticed he would be staring at me for I don't know how long. I thought we would crash because his eyes would be on me instead of the road.

Once home I left the car quickly without even a peep out of my mouth, the whole time I felt his eyes on my back as I walked to my apartment and then he sped off.

I throw my bag on the ground and head straight to the bathroom to bathe in my tub I need to get rid of this hospital smell.

I run the water halfway then turn it off, then dip my toe to check the temperature once good I sink my body into the water letting all my worries wash away just like the dirt all over my body.

I wake up to someone tying my hands up with a rope. I tried to scream but nothing is coming out, my tongue its missing. I cant even hear what they are saying to me either its like my ears are gone and all I can see is what he is doing to me.

He picks me up and takes me to my bed water dripping all over the floor from my body. He grabs his knife and penetrates me with it. The pain of the blade going inside is to much I can feel the sharpness of it cutting my inside. He takes it out then pulls his pants down.

There's that tattoo again the dragon with a knife sticking out his head. I can't see his face all I see is darkness. He puts his penis inside of me, at this point I'm so numb from the pain I can't even feel him inside of me. All I can see is his movements, he has one hand on my throat I'm trying to gasp for air but he's holding on to tight. He's moving his hips and moaning enjoying the pain he is causing me.

I try to move but it just makes him going even harder my head slamming against the wall with each movement. Faster, faster, harder, harder.

He bites my lip making it bleed and grabs my breast with his other hand hard. He starts sucking my nipple as he's thrusting inside of me hard.

At first it feels good the way he is sucking my breast he's gentle with it, his tongue licking my nipple making it hard. He sucked it softly playing with my breast with his hand.

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain and he bites my nipple right off blood starts oozing out of me. He licks the blood and kisses my lips I can taste the metallic on my mouth from it.

He thrust inside of me harder if that's even possible. He does one last thrust before getting off me and taking the condom off. He shoves it in my mouth forcing me to swallow it.

He grabs me by the throat again but this time with both hands and then everything goes black.

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