Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sun shining bright on my face squinting my eyes from the brightness I get up and stretch my whole body. Candy is still sleeping on the bed, so I quietly get dressed and grab my things to leave.

I walk to the police station and give them my name the detective that called me earlier brings me to the interrogation room and tells me to sit down. He had on a white dress shirt and black slacks. His oversize trench coat engulfing his body. His small eyes are dark like he has no soul and his silver hair is slicked back into a ponytail. I can hear his cowboy boots tapping on the floor.

As I'm sitting down waiting for him to talk he stays silent like he's thinking of what to say. He shows me pictures of Megan laying on the floor as if I didn't find her at 1 in the morning today dead. I look at him with my eyes brimming with tears. "Are you trying to torment me It's bad enough I found her like that why would you show me these pictures." I said, tears running down my face.

"Ma'am you need to calm down this is an interrogation I ask the questions not you." He says. I look up at him my face turning red in anger.

"You've got to fucking kidding me I found my best friend dead and your interrogating me as if I killed her you fucking piece of shit." I slam my hands on the desk and get up.

"Ma'am sit down I'm not done talking to you if you don't comply, I will arrest you." He says with his beady little eyes staring at me. His hand is on his gun like any second now he is going to shoot me dead.

I sit back down and fold my arms together. "Fine let's get this over with." I huff.
"Do you know anyone who would want to hurt Megan, someone who was obsessed with her who wanted to torture and rape her?" He asks me. I looked at him confused. Raped? Megan was raped what kind of evil person would do that.

"She was raped? Oh my god who would do that, Morgan was very loved even the customers adored her. I don't know who would do this and I don't know why." I tell him.
"So, Megan never mentions someone stalking her?" He asked.
"No, she wasn't even supposed to go in yesterday she took over for Sky because she called in sick." I tell him.
"When was the last time you saw her?" He asks.
"I'm not sure the dressing room is filled with at least 20 girls she was the first one to go dancing but after that I don't remember seeing her." I tell him.
"Where was your whereabout between 12 in the morning and 1" he asked me.                                       "I was on stage dancing then afterwards I went back to the dressing room, took a shot of alcohol then left to smoke a cigarette that is when I discovered her body." I tell him.                                      "Okay ma'am if you find out any more details, please call us." He says and hands me a card with his name and number on it. I nod my head and leave to go back at home.

I stand in front of my building and sigh looking up at the sun. The sun is beaming on my face giving me warmth. I go upstairs to my apartment and enter completely forgetting I left Cody there. He is passed out drunk on the floor I can see drool dripping down from his mouth and man does he reek of alcohol.

I check the time its 3 in the afternoon already. Shit I'm hungry I haven't eaten all day. I order take out since I'm not in the mood to cook. Once my food came, I scarfed it down like I haven't ate for days. Cody still sleeping on the floor I get up annoyed kicking him in the ribs.

He jolted up looking around the room scared. I rolled my eyes and walked away. He started following me to my room stumbling with each step he made.

"Hey Molly, what's going on how did I get here." He asks. I look at him frowning, is he serious right now.

"Dude you came here yelling at me you even sexually assaulted me." I tell him in anger.
"I'm sorry I don't remember anything, after I got the call about Megan I spiraled out of control." He says.
"It's fine Cody I just came back from the police station so I'm not in the mood right now to talk" I say.

He nods his head and tells me he will leave so I can rest before work. I tell him it's not a big deal and to go shower because he stinks. He agrees and goes to my bathroom to shower. I have extra clothes for him here since Megan was my roommate, he would sometimes leave clothes here.

After showering he gets dressed and I shower next to get ready for work. Once we are done getting ready, we head to work together. I go in the dressing room to change into my club outfit. Today I waitress and also give lap dances I usually dance onstage but the today it's the guys turn to dance. Usually, we take turns so 3 days out of the week we dance and two days out of the week we waitress plus give lap dances also.

I changed into a black fishnet bodysuit and black high heels. The fishnet is see through so my breast show through I also wear a black thong under it. I walk out to get ready to serve when a man calls me over for a lap dance.

Other clubs you're not allowed to touch the workers but in Fantasy we are like hookers they are allowed to touch and see unless we tell them hands off then they can't. If they really like us then they can take us in the back for sexual favors, but that's extra. It's very rare for me to do sexual favors for men or even women usually I just give out drinks and dances but once in a while ill done a few blow jobs or other things whatever the customers want they get.

With a fake smile I go over to him and start moving my body to the music. Turning around I shake my ass in his face and he smacks it. I turn back to face him and run my hands all over my body. I go on top of him moving my hips side to side my breast in his face. He grabs my waist bringing me closer to him.

"Fuck me baby I want you, you are a fine piece of ass" he says. I look into his eyes and all I see is lust. I can feel something hard on my leg I look down to see his dick is out. He is very handsome but not my type. He looks young maybe mid 20's his blond hair is slicked back, and he has a full beard. He is wearing a nice dress shirt with jeans that hug his body and white Nike's. He defiantly looks like a fuck boy.

"I'm sorry that's extra baby." I tell him. He whips out 5k and hands it to me. "No problem sexy lets go." Stunned by the amount of money he is paying I nod my head and take him to the back there is a room with all kinds of sex toys and a couch that can turn into the bed. He pulls down his pants and sits down showing his dick. It's pretty average if you ask me but whatever money talks.

After giving him what he wants, and he is satisfied I leave to the bathroom to wash up. I notice there is blood on the floor of the bathroom, fuck me not again.

I step over it to take a look and I see candy with her mouth gaped open and her eyes are rolled back inside her head. She is naked just like Megan was when I found her but this time her throat was slit. There are bruises on her wrist and her on inner thigh. She's laying in a pool of her own blood.

I go to her to hug her not even caring if I get blood on me. Her cold body is limp in my arms. I scream for her help hoping someone would hear me over the loud music. It felt like hours but was probably just minutes someone walks into the bathroom and sees me holding Candy's dead body in my arms.

I tell them to call 911 and they nod doing what I asked. When the cops finally come Detective Daniels comes as well and says he wants to ask me a few question.

Fuck me why do I keep finding the body's....

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