Chapter 8

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I am freaking livid this whole time he was behind the mask and not only one but there's two of them doing the killings. My own brother is a disgrace to society the fact that he ruined my life at 6 years old. How did I not see this coming was I really that oblivious to see the man behind the mask this whole time. He knew I was a stripper he even knew about my friends. I had all these clues right in front of me, but I just didn't want to see it with my own eyes.

My own brother raped me what kind of sociopath is he. I need to get out of here wherever I am. He told me he wants me dead but is there even a way out of this place. I look all around me trying to see if there's any way I can escape. Thankfully they haven't come back yet but I don't have enough time I need to think fast they can come back at any time to finish me off.

Theres a door in the corner of the room which means that's where I can leave from but where does it lead to. My hands still being handcuffed to the bed I can even feel the rawness on my wrist from it. I tried pulling it but it just causes me to bleed.

I try to lift my body up to bite on the it, hoping to break it with my teeth but its medal so of course that doesn't work, I think I cracked a tooth too. Shit how am I getting out of these things. I start looking around again this time observing every detail in this room. I see a small key at the edge of the bed he must have forgot it there.

I grabbed it with my feet and the ring attached to the key goes on my toe I bring my toe to my mouth grabbing the keys with my teeth. Thank goodness for my flexibility. I bend my hands so I can reach for the keys and grab them opening the handcuffs and letting my self free. I get off the bed and walked to the end of the room to see a pile of clothes there. Fuck it this would do I put on a shirt and sweats the sweats being a little big, so I tighten it with the strings. I sneak out the room and enter into the living room James is sitting on the couch and there's another guy but both there backs are turned so I cant see there faces. His hair is messy kind of like Cody's, but could it be him this whole time and I was just wrong about the mysterious man.

Theres a sliding door to my left going outside I take my advantage of them not paying attention I go outside smelling the fresh air. Thankfully they left it open, so I didn't have to open it and end up getting caught stupid fucks.

Theres trees all around me I go tours the front of the house to see where I am. The address being right in front of the house. 2548 peaches avenue that's the address to this house I just need to remember it so I can tell the cops. Theres other houses but there not as close by they are a little further away. I start running my feet hitting the gravel. I can feel little rocks hit my feet with every step that I make.

I'm not sure how long I've been running for it feels like hours I stop for a second to catch my breath. My heart is racing, and my feet is killing me. I can't stop for that long though every second I take they can start looking for me. I see a house down the road its probably a 10-minute walk but ill get there faster by running.

I start running again faster this time and not stopping once till I get there. Four minutes later and I arrive to the house. There are cars here which is a good sign someone is home. I start banging on the door like a crazy person hoping someone is answers.

An older lady answers the door she has short white hair and she's very tiny. Her nose is pointy like a witch, but her lips are small, so her nose goes over them.

"How can I help you" she says in a witchy voice.

"Hi, I need help someone is trying to kill me" I say out of breath. She ushers me inside and closes the door behind her.

"Come sit I will make you some tea" she says and points to the couch. I nod my head and walk to her couch sitting down, my feet are cracked and bleeding from running barefooted. I hope I didn't get any blood on the floor. "My name is Mary I'm a witch and I can help you, I can tell since you've got to my house you are in distressed." She says to me and hands me a cup of tea. How the hell did she make that so fast.

I nod my head still shaken up about everything. I don't even want to speak right now I just want to lay in my bed and wish this dream will go away. "You can do that later, right now we need to let those bastards pay for what they have done." She says. What the.... How does she know about them and what they have done. "oh, sweetie I told you I'm a witch I know everything I can make dolls that look like them, you can do whatever you want with them without them even knowing." She says and sits down next to me.

"Do you know who they are?" I asked.

"Yes, I know who both of the men are James he is your brother right the one who hurt you multiple times?" she says facing me. I nod my head speechless I can't believe she knows about James. Fuck what am I going to do now.

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