Chapter 9

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I can't believe she knows about James; she must be a really good which if she knows everything, that is just amazing. I asked who the second guy, she looks at me surprised. "I thought you knew who both men are you are close to one of them." I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion.

"What do you mean I never met the second guy the one who kidnapped me, James is the only one who showed up." I say to her. she just smiles at me and grabs my hand caressing it in a motherly way.

"Oh no you are very oblivious to the things around you, its Cody it has always been Cody, he is the mastermind behind everything." she says to me. I get up fast and dropped my cup on the floor. the tea going everywhere and the mug breaking into little pieces all over the floor.

I start pacing back and forth repeatedly you would think I burned a hole on the floor from all my pacing. I am livid at this point; Cody motherfucking Cody is the brains behind all this shit. he is the one who killed Megan out of all people why her. all she ever did was love is and what does he do to repay her rape and murder her.

What about the rest why would he rape and murder the other girls he barely knows them even though we all work together he never really took notice of the other girls. his eyes were only for Megan you'd think he was obsessed with her the way he acted around her.

I can't believe it, but it does make sense he always seemed a little off every time he came to our place. he would be anxious a lot I never thought about till now because I thought it was just the drugs and alcohol he did. but what the actual fuck man what am I going to do now with all this information...

The witch gets up from the couch and grabs me by the shoulders. "Snap out of it Molly it's time for action." she says but all I can do is ignore her. She sighs and slaps me in the face. I get out of my train of thoughts and look at her crazy. " What the actual fuck lady what did you do that for." I said.

"I'm sorry that was the only way for me to get your attention, please come with me I need to show you something." she says in her witchy voice. I nod my head and follow him to another room. is dark in there the only thing that is giving light is the candles that are all over the room.

There are voodoo dolls on shelves and a huge book on table. she closes the door behind her and tells me to sit on the floor. she hands me two dolls that have X as eyes and stitches as mouths. one of them is missing a finger. it has no hair or clothes. she tells me she did a spell on them earlier before I came. she has sensed I would go look for help at her doorstep, so she made them for me.

she says the way the voodoo dolls work is I take a pin and poke it wherever I want on the body and the same thing will happen to the real-life person. I take the pins from her and poke the arms on both dolls. I smile an actual genuine smile hoping it works. I give her a huge hug and tell her I have to go.

she calls me a uber and I head to the police station, I go to the detective that has been on this case and tell him everything leaving a few details out about the witch and voodoo dolls. he tells me He's going to put me in safe house for now until they are caught.

hours later I'm at a safe house the place is beautiful. is white with a fountain in the front, trees overshadowing the house and a huge driveway. there is also a white fence all around the house. I go inside and the inside is pretty plain compared to the front of the house. there are a few officers outside and a few inside as well.

one of them brings food, a burger and fries with a chocolate shake. I lick my lips and take a huge bite. the sauces going all over my face. one of the police officers laughs and tells me but I kept cleaning the wrong side. he grabs a napkin cleaning it for me.

I am not sure why that just turned me on and plus he is a gorgeous man I bet he is packing as well. "hey are you single." I ask him. he smiles at me his perfect white smile showing through. "I'll take that as a yes. without hesitation I take my shirt off, since I'm not wearing a bra my hard nipples is looking at him.

"ma'am I'm at work I'm trying to keep you safe, you need to put your shirt back on. he bends down and picks up my shirt, he hands it to me but I just grab his hand putting it on my breast. " I don't care I've had a long day I'm horny I need a strong man to whisk me away and make me happy by pleasuring me.

"You know I can't I can lose my job." he says to me nervously. 'shhhh' "no one will find out." I say and bite my lip. "You are so fucking hot but I can't what if I get in trouble.' he tells me.

"oh baby you won't, come follow me." I say and grab his hand. we go into a small room with just a bed and closet. there is a tv on the wall facing the bed. I turn it up so none of the other cops can hear us. I take his shirt off and admire his beautiful body. this is a very nice-looking man.

he has chocolate skin and short curly hair, when he smiles he shows his cute dimples. he has big lips and big blue eyes. he has a six pack as well his muscles are toned and looking yummy you can just eat off it. even his thighs look strong enough to crush someone wind pipe with them.

I push him on the bed and go on top dry humping him. I can feel his dick getting hard through his pants. "I don't believe in rape if you don't want this, I will stop just giving me the word." I say to him. he smiles at me showing his dimples.

"it's okay I want this, it's been awhile and my job makes it hard to be with anyone." he says and puts his big hand on my face. I dip down kissing him then going down until I reach his pants. I unzip his pants pulling his pants halfway down. I put my mouth on his head and right when I was about to suck, I hear a knock on the door. shit who is at the door ruining this moment.

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