Chapter 13

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I couldn't sleep or eat for days after finding there is another person involved. How can there be someone else being the puppet master l just can't believe it. Jacob did ask me to stay with him, but I just couldn't. I needed to be home after everything I had been through, I can't continuously keep moving around waiting for something bad to happen.

I don't know what I am going to do. I feel like seeing Cody one last time just to get answers but the last time I saw him it didn't go so well. I always have a plan but now I'm clueless. My mind is always foggy, and I just feel alone in this world.

"Hey Molly, I ordered pizza you want any." I look up to see Jacob standing by my bedroom door genuinely smiling at me. I shake my head no and roll myself in a ball. "You need to eat you haven't eaten in days I'm worried about you." He says and sits on the edge of my bed. He puts his hands on my leg and starts rubbing it.

"I know your worried that he will come after you but that's why I'm here to protect you." He says. I sit up crossing my legs Indian style. "I'm not worried Jacob I know he is coming after me I just don't want to fight anymore, I'm tired, tired of life, tired of people, tired of living." I say to him.

He cups his on my face forcing me to look at him. "Don't you ever say that you hear me, your still young you have a whole life to live whether it's with me or with someone else you will find the love of your life someone who will love you and take care of you, to protect you and to give you everything you ever wanted." He says to me.

"I don't care about being with someone, you just don't get it. I've been raped, I've been molested, I've been sexually and physically assaulted. I'm just tired of fighting a war that I will never win. I care for you Jacob I do I just can't live in a life where I don't belong." I started to feel nauseous suddenly, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I guess not eating or sleeping made me sick.

Jacob rushes into the bathroom pulling my hair out of my face and rubbing my back at the same time. "Molly, I care about you, and I hope we can continue this relationship I know it's weird I'm talking while your vomiting right now I just want you know that I would do anything to protect you no matter what even if it kills me." he said.

I wipe my mouth and go to the sink to wash my face and rinse my mouth out. I turn around to look at Jacob staring at me with a sad look. "I'm sorry Jacob I know you're here to protect me I just don't know what to do anything please give me time maybe when they find him, I will end up in a better place but for now I just need time." He nods his head and smiles sadly.

"I understand and I won't bother again ill be in the living keeping watch if you need anything let me know." He says and walks out of the bathroom. I go into my room and lay back down, forcing myself to sleep.

I woke up an hour later to pure quietness. My stomach growls and I knew I needed something in my stomach so I forced myself to get up so I could eat. I noticed Jacob wasn't in the kitchen or living which was super weird since I heard the tv on before I fell asleep.

I grabbed the pizza that Jacob told me he got and went to go sit down on the couch, but I ended up tripping on something hard. I look down to see Jacobs body on the floor not moving. Oh, fuck I hope he's not dead. I checked his pulse and luckily, he is still alive just knocked out. Which means someone is in my house I just don't know who it is and what they want.

I bet you're thinking why you haven't left the house yet, haven't you seen scary movies where the victim always dies in the house where the murderer is. Well, yes, I am one of those stupid people who decided to go looking for the murderer in my apartment.

Since I was already in the living room and kitchen, I know he's not there, so the only places I need to check now are the bathroom, my room and Megan's old room. I first checked the bathroom which was pointless because why would a murderer be hiding in the bathroom.

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