Chapter 5

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As I'm standing in front of the police station I scrunch up my face in disgust knowing I will be seeing James in there. When I turned 18 I tracked down my family to see where they were the only one who was still in town was James the rest left a long time ago. I never visited him because well he's a child molester even thought I knew he was here.

I haven't seen him since I was 6 years old, I wish I didn't have to see him either but I'm desperate for answers.

I go inside the building to ask for officer James and they tell me to wait in the lobby. He comes out and I look at him still in fear of him I don't give him direct eye contact, if I did I'd probably freak out. 

He didn't change one bit since I last saw him either besides him being taller and wearing a police uniform. His ears are still big as hell like dumbo. He is slim and his hair is longer and messy.

"How can I help you miss?" He says with a southern accent. I guess he doesn't regonize me.
"Do you have a office we can talk in its very important." I say. He nods his head and ushers me inside a plain room with just a desk and computer. I sat down on the chair and he closed the door before sitting down.

"What do you want Molly." He says. What the fuck I thought he didn't even remember who I was unless it was all an act.
"I asked you a question are you deaf what do you want I haven't seen you in over 16 years so why did you show up do you need money or do you want more of me." I stared at him dumbfounded at what he is even saying. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I tell him he owes me and I need help.

"I don't need money and certainty don't want to fuck you, I was 6 years old when you touched me you cunt sucking piece of shit." I yell in his face and spit on him. That's the least he deserves.
"Little girl you wanted that night I'm sure you want it now as well too so dont play dumb with me." He says and bring his face closer to mine.

"Listen James I'm here because three of my friends were murdered I want to find out who did it and I need your help to find out any details on the case or should I tell all your coworkers that your a pedophile who loves little girls." I say to him pointy my nose at him.
"Fine what do you need from me I can't do much I'm not a detective plus I don't have any details on who killed your stripper friends." He says looking down.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him how does he know what they do for a living. Whatever that's not important now I give him minimal details of the girls and tell him to look on the computer for any details of what detective Daniels knows so far.

He finds out that all three girls were being stalked by a faceless man the street cameras showed a man standing in the shadows following them for about a week. He also told me they were raped but whoever did it used protection.

There hands were tied up with rope and were also gagged with something. He first penetrated them with a knife and then proceeded to have sex with them once done he killed them in different ways. He had to be covered because there was no hair or finger prints to figure out who it was.

Whoever killed them is a professional and knew exactly what they were doing. Which is even scarier because it could be anyone they covered there tracks so how in the world is the cops or even me going to find out who killed them and who's next.

After leaving the station I went home to shower. I felt so disgusted with everything that's going that I didn't even realized I was scrubbing my self raw.

The best thing I can do now is talk to the girls to figure out who was following them and for me to follow them to find out who it is. I just have to be careful not to get caught or im next.

Once I get to work I tell the girls to meet me in the bathroom since there's no cameras in there. I tell them everything I learned and if anyone has experience the same exact thing as the other girls. Sunshine tells me she noticed a man following her and last night he told her "your last day on earth will be coming to an end soon." She was terrified she didn't even want to go home and felt like there was no where to hide he can find her anywhere.

I gave her a hug and told her we will find the bastard and she doesn't have to worry. I followed her for a few days so I can catch him but he was no where to be seen. So I stopped following thinking he was in hiding.

That night I got a call from sunshine telling me to come to her apartment she saw him following her I hear a scream from the other end and the call drops

Fuck he got her I run out my house and run to her house luckily she lives close by. I noticed her door was broken into I go inside. I notice a trail of blood so I follow it.

Sunshine is on her kitchen floor naked the man is on top of her. His pants are pulled down and is fucking her while her lifeless body is just laying there. He has a dragon tattoo on his thigh with a knife sticking out of a dragons head. Her hands are tied up with a rope and she has bruising on her neck. Wait is that her ear on the floor next to her. What the actual fuck bro.

I started screaming loudly knowing the neighbors would hear and call the cops. I went up to him and started hitting and scratching him. When he looks up at me his face is completely covered so I couldn't make out any features. He stumbles for a second when he got up fast and regains his balance. He pushes me against the fridge and punches me in the face hard I hit my head on the kitchen counter and fall to the ground.

My eyes started getting blurry but before my eyes started closing I noticed something. The faceless man his hoody was ripped he had a scar on his arm. That's the last thing I saw before the darkness took over.

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