Chapter 11

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It's been 1 year since everything has happened. I went through trial for majority of it though which sucked. Cody got prison for 15 years which I think is not enough. He should have gotten the same destiny as my fake brother.

After the trial was over Jacob called me, he asked me on a date, and we went out for coffee. It was nice he dressed all casually, which I wasn't used to seeing because every time I saw him, especially when the trial was going on, he was dressed in his uniform. Jacob a hair on some jeans with a black polo shirt also had on black and white Nikes. Man, oh man is he fucking gorgeous if I could, I would fuck him until his brains came out. After everything that had happened and all the gory shit I definitely should not fuck his brains out.

We started dating after a while I even decided to quit my job as a stripper and decided to do something else with my life I had went back to school and decided to be a private detective in all reality I was the one who found out who the killers really were even though I did get kidnapped and raped by my stupid ass brother I still think I am better than the cops smarter too. Guess that is the price to pay for being badass.

After coming back from my classes I saw a letter in my mailbox. I looked at it to see who it was from, and it was from Cody, that stupid little bastard. It read...

hi Molly, how are you doing I'm sorry for everything that I've caused you I know James your brother fucked you he is a disgusting little pig that guy. I would like to talk to you in person please I know you can never forgive me for killing all your friends, but I didn't do it he made me do it. You knew from the beginning I was always in love with Megan, especially when I started stripping there the minute, I laid my eyes on her I decided I wanted her to be mine I didn't want to lose her for anything. one night I went to a jewelry place to go get a ring I put on a suit and some dress shoes I even did my hair nicely without it being a mess like always she turned me down I couldn't believe it I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with her I got really drunk that night I stood in my in place all day and night crying my eyes out drinking a lot passing out and throwing up it was a fucking nightmare that she did this to me all I ever did was love her but it was never enough for her. All ever did was give her everything. She literally meant everything to me. I never understood why she turned me down did she have somebody else. When you come and see me Molly would you tell me that if she ever told you that she had somebody else I do think that she did cheat on me that fucking little cunt I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that about her you should never talk ill of the dead whatever the fuck that means listen I am really sorry what happened I know I said that already hahahahaha but I do have to say you are the most beautiful girl in the world and if I can turn back the clock I would fuck you instead of her do you want me to go into details of everything that I would do to you. You know I did read your journal and I read all of those little bitches' journals as well oh fuck I shouldn't have said that again shouldn't talk ill of the dead I'm over here rambling on. but anyways I knew that you kept the journal one day when I went into your room, I know I shouldn't have done that well what can I do Megan was pissed off at me for some odd reason like she always was mad at me. Man I am getting so off track moral of the story is I would like to go into detail about everything that I would love to do to you I know what I said but I'm so in love with Megan well that I was in love with Megan but who cares about her now it's about you she's gone you're here and I know you are a better woman than she would ever be or should I say that she would have been since ya know I killed her and all but again I didn't do it well I kind of did it but he forced me to. oh shit I'm getting off topic again anyhow since I've been in jail all I can ever think about is running my hands all over that precious body of yours when you used to strip on stage, I used to stare at you. You're Plumb tits so fucking round and yummy the great part is they're real too I don't know if you ever knew this but one time I put drugs in your water when I was at yours and Megan's place I did touch you an oh man you're breasts are so fucking perfect compared to Megan's hers is all fake you can tell it feels like a damn balloon that has water in it yours oh man they feel so good specially when I put my face on it. But yeah every time I close my eyes I just dream of touching you my fingers going inside of you my tongue licking every inch of your body even putting my big cock your fucking mouth oh that pretty mouth of yours oh how I would love to put my cock inside of you to feel how tight you are I know how tight you are James told me about that he told me how tight how yummy how juicy you are no wonder he came inside of you he even told me he wanted to make babies with you I told him it was going too far because I mean your brother and sister but whatever he's a weird one he's always been obsessed with you since you were six years old and never understood why is even like that fucking pedophile can't stand them but yeah definitely want to play with you and all kinds of way I hope when I get outta here in 15 years my dreams come true but please Molly come see me Maybe we can even do conjugal visits. I'm sure you will love that I've seen the way you looked at me when I was with Megan it made her livid the way you looked at me she used to get so jealous I loved every piece of that shit well I gotta go some idiot in the next block of me just stabbed another inmate OK bye love ya from Cody your favorite.

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