Chapter 1

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As I am changing with the other girls in the dressing room, I can hear the music blasting. The only one who I haven't seen in a while is Megan, but she is probably out back or something smoking a joint. 

 I look at myself in the mirror and put on bright red lipstick puckering my lips. My strawberry blond hair needs a trim. It's up to my back right now but I've been thinking of cutting it to my shoulders. I put fake eyelashes on my big blue eyes and a little pit of glitter on my eyelids.

I changed into a black bra and underwear with black sexy heels. I walk out on stage and start moving my body to the music feeling myself with my hands. Men whistling at me and throwing money everywhere. I take my bra off and start rubbing my breast with my hands.

I bend down showing my ass to everyone and start shaking what my momma gave me. I grab the pole and start to climb on it giving the boys a good show of my skills. Loving the feeling of the attention I'm getting plus the money is good too. I get down from the pole and get off stage. I start moving my hands all over my body. Men putting dollar bills in my underwear and mouth.

I finished dancing and I go back inside the dressing room breathing heavily from all that dancing. Sweat dripping down on my lips from my forehead, I can taste the salt on my lips. I take a shot of tequila my throat burning from the alcohol.

I never thought this would be my life stripping for all these men. I was in foster care all my life when I turned 18, I was homeless with barely any money broken from all the shit I went through. but that never stopped me or changed me. Everything I have been just made me a lot stronger and wiser.

When I was 6 years old my older brother James molested me, he was 16 years old. Every time I close my eyes, I still picture that day like it was yesterday.

We were in the room watching a movie with my other siblings me and my brother was laying on the floor with a blanket covering us. My other siblings were on the couch not really paying attention to us. My brother James covered the blanket over our heads and told me not to be afraid. He said, 'this is normal, and everything will be okay for me to trust him'.

I nodded my head terrified but also confused of what he was doing or at least planning on doing. He puts his hands under my shirt and starts touching my breast and starts kissing me then he slips his hand in my pants and starts putting his finger inside of me. When he finished, I got out from under the covers and went to the bathroom to throw up. I started crying till my eyes got red and puffy. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and washed my face with cold water hoping the puffiness would go away and nobody would notice that I have been crying.

When I got out my sister Tegan was standing by the door, I jumped a little not expecting her to be standing there. She tells me to go to another room with her, i follow her to my older brother Sean's room. 

She sat on the bed, but I just stood there confused at what she wanted. She asked me what happened that I seemed off and sad after leaving the room she also noticed James moving his hands under the blanket. I told her I was scared and didn't want to say anything she said it's okay nothing else will happen she will protect me. She promised she wouldn't tell a soul, and I believed her too. She broke that promise when she told my dad and our mom, he beat James till he was black and blue. That was the last day I got to see my family and went to the foster system.

I'm not angry anymore I was angry for a long time especially because in middle school and high school I was sexually assaulted by many men or should I say boys. So, I guess becoming a stripper really isn't new when your used to men treating you like garbage and giving all that attention you tend to get used it. So, taking my clothes off and dancing Infront of strange men is normal for me.

I'm happy to say I work here because if I didn't, I wouldn't have never met these wonderful people. This is my home; they became my family the minute I walked through that door all fucked up. 

I found Fantasy one day walking at night after being beaten and raped. They took me in with open arms. I remember walking by it and fell from the loss of blood. Megan one of the dancers who became one of my closest friends found me that night on the floor of the club she took me to the back and cleaned me up. That day I knew this would be my forever home.

I went outside to take a smoke break as I'm walking out back, I slip on something and fall. My hands and knees hit the concrete floor scraping my skin. I look down wondering what I slipped on and see there's a huge puddle of blood on the floor. I feel the pain from where I scraped myself and get up, I start following the trail of blood while not even caring that I just got hurt.

Looks like someone dragged something outback with the amount of blood on the floor. As I get closer, I trip and fall on something hard. Ah man not again why do I keep getting hurt this is the second time. 

 I look down and I see Megan laying there naked. I scream so loud I bet if I had glass around me it would break. I close my eyes not even realizing the tears are coming down fast. I hear people around me whispering but I can't make out what they're saying.

My head is spinning, and I start feeling lightheaded all I can think is what the fuck is going on and what the fuck happened to Megan. I open my eyes to see if she's still laying like if I was in a dream and this isn't real. But of course, this is real because she's still laying there.

I stare at her still in shock taking everything in every inch of her body every mark on her that wasn't there before. She had bruises on her neck like if someone strangled her, and bruises on her wrist as well. She even had stab wounds all over her body. Her lips are blue, and her skin is pale. Her blond hair caked in blood and her makeup is smeared like if she's been crying. I wonder if she died from strangulation or from the Mutiple stab wounds she had all over her body.

Her eyes don't even look like her eyes anymore there lifeless; those once bright green eyes are now blank like there is nothing left of her soul in there. I close her eyes with my hands not being able to look at them anymore and hug her one last time her blood getting all over me. Her body is freezing I don't know if that's from the cold or because she's dead or both.

I feel someone touch my shoulder and I look up to see Candy standing there. "Come on baby girl let's get you cleaned up the cops are here; they have questions for us." I nod my head still in disbelief of what happened. Candy helps me get up and we go inside the club into the bathroom.

I clean myself off the best I could Candy helps me as well she even cleaned my cuts which I even forgot I had. We go to the bar where the cops are and sit down. They start asking questions and I answer them honestly.

After talking to them they offered to take me home and I agreed too exhausted to do anything. When I get to my apartment I go into my bathroom and take off my bloody clothes. I turn on my jet tub and let the water run hot. I dip my toe in and hiss at how hot it is. Not caring if I'd burn myself, I go inside letting the water cover my whole body. I lay my head on the top and close my eyes, letting the sleep taking over. 

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