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And sometimes I question,
How one can love someone, yet find another attractive,
How one can pretend so bad to the point where another may not even see them for who they really are,
How one can suprise their one with a gift they've always wanted,
And yet find time to talk to someone other than that one who they call special,
I find it it crazy how after one chance, two chance and three, they still manage to fuck up to the point where life doesn't feel the same for their partner,
How can that one expect to create a future with that so called special human in their life when all they keep doing is break the special diamond down into granules of dust,
How is it so difficult to just focus on that one rare diamond who's shinning as bright as ever and loving you with all its might,
What goes through their head, in that current moment in that current time,
Other than this is wrong and she was my right.
My right hand, my right way of moving forward and creating a better life, not only for myself but for us,
This is what I question,
And I won't ever know....

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