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'A particular way of thinking about something.'

When looking for an answer, we look through different lenses, we quesion a lot of things through our minds.

We try to seek out the truth but do we really know what the truth really is?

What it feels like, what it should look like.

When asking a random individual, we don't think much of it, we just simply ask them to tell the truth like a police officer asking a criminal if they are telling the truth. We wish they are telling the truth and want to believe it all, and carry on with whatever we was doing.

However, with relatives well the story just isn't that simple, we look for more identification, we look closer at their features knowing when they are lying. But sometimes, telling the truth is very difficult, not only for them to open up but to feel safe that they have told you.

When looking closer at a person, we see the dark cirlcles maybe them even wearing make up to act as a mask to hide the things underneath the surface. The look of a lady who's being abused by her husband, lifeless holding onto her dear child for hope that it may end all of the torture.

The grandmother who yet again had to bury another child, a mother learning their about to have a child but her husband had used her and she has to act like she can take care of the child as a single mother with a fake a smile imprinted on her dull face.

Sisters who get along infront of guests, but by themselves don't want to look eachothers way. A teenager who is trying to get good grades but physically and emotionally is very tired and drained.

All day they fake smiles, but only those who want to know will realise there's definately something wrong and different within the individual.

When looking at a stone,

What do you see?

A few bumps and lumps?

Dents and scratches?

But pickup another rock and this time it's smooth and shiny.

Which one would you more likely pick up and throw into the sea to skip stones?

Well, obviously the smooth one because it will glide better right?

However, the difference is all though the smooth stone has been thrown in the see like many others, the bumpy one is more than likely to be a souvenir for a home. So which one is happier?

A perspective can change everything in a matter of seconds, the way you look and see it, the way you listen to a story, the way you handle the situation. Your options have to be free, not everyone is perfect just like the stones, some try to look like the same thing others are already.

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