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You see when people fall in love they fall for every last bit of their other half, from their temper to their physical features to their soul. Within love there is much more things that people don't actually talk about.

A few things that is not spoken about is arguments, oh hell, when you are in a relationship no matter how perfect you may be with one another these are bound to happen. These arguments show a different side of the one you love.

You partner could be an emotional silent person when in an argument or they could be swearing every few seconds or simply just telling you to shut up, but after all those words and talking you simply take a breather and understand one another's views.

Sometimes because we're so fixated on how it sounded first and not knowing the full picture we just keep seeing red like a bull. After you figure out the other side you realise it really was a misunderstanding and at the end of the day you still love the person just as much as you always have.

Being in a relationship can make you either feel on top of the world or miserable. But I guess you can differentiate the two and know your worth as an individual.

Recently I got asked, Who do I think I am?

And to be honest I think a lot of thoughts on who I am, I am a daughter, I am a sister, and I am a woman who knows that she can conquer the world by having support from my green eyed love. I am a person who holds her heart out to the one I love no matter what happens. If you have my heart it must mean you have my full attention, it must mean that there is no one out there who I care for as much as I care for you, it must mean that even if we argue I still can't fall asleep without the sound of you snoring. In other words there's nothing you could do that would make me change my Love for you.

I love you unconditionally.

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