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Casey was good at meeting you before every class, and making sure you got where you needed to be within a timely manner.  It was like she was your personal tour guide.  So you didn't think much of it when you were delivered to your last class safely in one piece.

The final class you had was just a literature class.  You liked this type of class.  The writing portion allowed you to get your emotions out in a way that was almost... encrypted.  You could tell people anything and everything, and they'd never know that you were bearing your soul to them.  And the reading portion allowed you to escape any and every part of reality that you hated, and took you to new worlds that you could dream about experiencing your happily ever after.

You quickly found an empty seat, and waited for the teacher to arrive.  Casey and that Randal dude had been the only ones to try and interact with you.  Everyone else just stared at you like you were just some wild animal, exotic and new.  Not even human.  And it sucked ass.

Luckily for you, Randal walked into the room.  There were two other boys with him, and his face lit up when he saw you.  You quickly grabbed your notebook as he made his way over, and were happy to finally have someone you knew in one of your classes, and not just first period.

"Hey (y/n)," Randal greeted.

The two dudes he had walked in with didn't address you, instead they just took some empty seats behind you.  You weren't too surprised considering the fact that literally everyone else today was ignoring you too.

'Hey Randal,' you wrote.

"Oh, just call me Randy," he corrected.

The two men behind you started joking and snickering.  Randy scowled at them, but before he could tell them off, the teacher walked in.  They began to talk, and Randy just glared at the two boys that were still laughing at him quietly.

You were practically staring at the clock hanging above the door the entire time, waiting for the teacher to finish.  You were ready for the teacher to stop talking.  Your old school had covered this material last year, and this lady's voice sounded annoying.  You just wanted to go home.

Finally when the bell rang, you stood up, and saw Randy had practically run for the door.  Lucky bastard was quicker than you.  You grabbed your shit and your notebook, but before you could make your own escape to the outside world, you felt someone tapping on your shoulder.  You turned around, and you saw one of the dudes Randy had walked in with.  This one was shorter, and seemed... angry, in a way.  It was as if he didn't know how to smile, even though you had just heard him laughing at the beginning of class.

"Any chance you have the notes? My dimwit friend over there didn't pay attention," he told you, pointing at the taller man, whom was making a beeline for the door.

You froze up.  You had memorized that sentence.  You had seen it displayed across your chest every day, of course you'd know it.

And you didn't want to give away why it was important.  People weren't good for you.  People were rude about everything you went for.  And people were cold-hearted, ruthless bastards.  Who's to say that the guy with the terrifying disposition wasn't any different?  But the best way to show him nothing was wrong or weird was to act like everything was normal.

'I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention either,' you wrote.

"Oh.  Then I'm sorry for bothering you."

And with that, he walked off.  You internally celebrated, thinking you had put up a convincing enough act.  Sadly for you, you hadn't at all.  The boy walked towards the hallway, where his friend was waiting for him just outside the door.  This boy was quite good at reading people.  Almost everyone was an open book for him.  The body betrays people.

He had seen how you tensed up when he talked to you.  And once he finished, he saw in your eyes that you were scared.  Panicked, even.  Your movements were quick when writing, and your breath wasn't steady, it was erratic.  It was like you were breathing manually.  Something he had said had freaked you out, and now you were scared of him.  Which was a bit of an issue, considering the fact that Randy seemed to have taken a liking to you.  But why, he'd never know.  You were just like everyone else here, you just so happened to be new.

You found Casey in the hallway, and she began to lead you outside.

"So, how was your first day in Woodsboro high," she asked.

'Pretty good, I guess.  Talked to a very creepy guy.'

"Are you talking about William?  I saw you talking to him.  He is very... strange," Casey told you.

"Oh, you talking about Loomis," another boy questioned.

He had walked up from behind you and Casey, and wrapped his arm around her waist.  He didn't do it in a platonic way, this was more intimate.  So, you assumed this was the illusive Steve.

"Yeah.  (y/n) here had the displeasure of talking to him," Casey informed him.  "Also, this is (y/n).  (y/n), this is Steve!  Also, (y/n) doesn't talk."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you," Steve said, offering a handshake with his free arm.

You shook it, and he caught a glimpse of your arm.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell happened," he asked.

"They don't like talking about it," Casey scolded him quietly.  "Now, weren't we talking about William?"

"Right... it'll do you good to avoid Billy," he warned.  "And Stu too.  The two of them just... aren't right in the head."

"Yeah, I used to be friends with Stuart, back when we were kids," Casey said.  "He's probably a retard or something.  He never focuses, he can't sit still, he's rude as shit... he's just trouble."

'Is there anything I should be scared of with Randy,' you asked.

"Randy... Randy... Randal Meeks?  Oh, he's sweet, but he's a bit of a geek," Casey informed you. "Don't talk to him unless you want your social image to drop through the floor."

"Another reason to avoid Billy and Stu.  They hang out with the geek all the time, and yet they're still at the top of the food chain."

The three of you continued walking, and Casey and Steve continued to rant.  Turns out, William and Stuart were on the school's football team with Steve.  That's how he knew them by their nicknames.  William was the quarter back, and was quick on his feet, busy constantly reading people based on their movements, controlling the outcome of the games like a puppet master.  Stuart was the running back, and with his lanky body, it wasn't hard to believe.

The couple ranted and raved about the two, and they had enough information to make you think they were obsessed.  It was comical, honestly.  They both acted like they hated the two weirdos, but knew so much about them for it be a bit... strange.  You found it funny.

"So, (y/n)," Casey began.  "Are you doing anything this weekend?  Sunday, maybe?"


"Great!  Would you like to have a sleepover?  We can watch movies, and I can take you to school on Monday," she suggested.

'Sure, I don't see why not.'

Casey celebrated, and Steve smiled at her.  It was obvious that he adored her.  While you were a little upset you were missing the chance to experience affection like that, but there was one problem with that.  It was a chance.  There was no guarantee that the person who the universe was trying to lead you to was going to be stable.  And there was no guarantee that they'd be no better than the men who broke into your house that night.

And you didn't like taking chances.

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